20. One Kiss At A Time.

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***Arya's POV.***

"What are you doing here, Vedant? Go out before someone sees you." I say and try to push him out of the kitchen.

"Not before you give me my kiss before leaving for the office. You promised me." He says and grabs me by the waist.

For the past week, Vedant has become more upfront and stupidly demanding about kisses. We kissed that night and maybe kissed one time a day or two, maybe three. I have lost count, as whenever he sees me; he kisses me.

Whether it be before going to office or after coming back from office or maybe before sleeping or coming home for lunch which is happening often these days and that is the reason Dadi gives me a raised brow and smirk everytime he comes home for lunch.

"No. You have to leave." I say and try to get out of his arms.

"Why?" He asks.

"Do you know how many teasing looks Dadi has given me when you come home for lunch. That reminds me today you won't come home for lunch." I say.

"Why? I love coming home for lunch and Mom loves it too." He says.

"But I don't." I say and almost get him out of the kitchen.

"That's harsh. How about this, you bring my lunch to my office?" He asks with a smile.

"And why would I do that?" I ask.

"So you don't feel all shy and nervous when I kiss you." He says with a look that says he really doesn't understand my nervousness.

"No way we are kissing in your office. Now go otherwise you would be late." I say and start pushing him again.

"Fine. But I am also stubborn. If you won't come to my office with lunch, I am not eating." He says and starts leaving.

"That is blackmail." I say and walk behind him to the door.

He suddenly turns around and takes me in his arms, "Fine then kiss me now."

"No." I say and look around to make sure we are alone.

"Fine. Then bring our lunch to the office. If you won't have lunch with me, I am not eating." He says and kisses my cheek and walks out within five seconds.

"Vedant, you are literally..." I say and just shake my head.

I come back to my room to select a dress for his office then go to the kitchen to make something good for my husband. I know I said I don't want him coming home for lunch but I really like when he comes home. But the reason behind my words were different.

The rain in Shimla often turns for the worst and I don't want him to go back and forth and put himself at risk. Today's weather is different though. So I can manage to give him what he wants but not before I have what I want. And I want us to go to Mayra's exhibition.

She completed her courses and topped it like everything else in life. As she was the top student, the pictures taken by her would be exhibited and sold too. I am feeling so proud of her. I already told Nanu to tell everyone that they have to come to the exhibition. But what is going to be difficult is to convince my family.

Everybody already knows about it as Mayra announced it but nobody reacted to it except for Dadu and me of course. So I have an opportunity today to ask Vedant to come with me and I hope he says yes.

I make aloo matar, achari bhindi and arhar dal. I pack them in boxes enough for both of us along with roti and rice. I will buy some pastries on my way to the office from my favorite bakery.

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