1. Alejandro

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*Present day*

I felt a gust of cool air hit my face as I rushed into the hospital, gray by my side on the gurney. I looked between him and the two paramedics on either side of him. "You're going to be okay Gray. Okay you're going to be just fine!" I said with deep breaths in between practically every word. Gray nodded as his head fell to the side.

He lowered his masked that was giving him oxygen "Do me a favor." he placed the mask back on and took a deep breath

"Gray don't fucking talk. You need to save energy okay?"

"I'm too hot to die?" he took another deep breath that barely allowed him oxygen "Will you do me the favor?"

"Anything." we started approaching the doors that I wasn't allowed to pass and I made the gurney stop. The paramedic looked at me with an angry expression but I didn't care

"Last thing I saw before those damn Russians shot me" he coughed hysterically and I made him put the mask back on for a moment. He pulled it back off "Was your dimples. Let me see them again."

"Gray-" now is hardly the time for me to smile, but Gray made his puppy dog face. I sighed then smiled wide. I saw him smile. "Now go get fixed up."

"Wish me luck handsome." he winked and I laughed because still he's making jokes and flirting while bleeding out.

"Go! Good luck." the paramedics pushed his gurney past the door, and I took a deep breath. I ran my hands through my hair, and undid my tie. I walked over to the receptionist desk  "Hi my friend just went into surgery. I'm the only thing close to family he's got should I be filling out forms?"

"We need his name so we can look for his emergency contact."

I blew out air "Uh- Grayson Knight K.N.I.G.H.T. oh and it's Grayson with an a" she nodded and started to type on her computer. I feel like Enzo should have a private doctor with the amount of times the Russians have tried to kill us.

"Are you Enzo McKay, or Alejandro De Luca?"

I pulled out my ID "Alejandro De Luca."

she handed me papers "Fill these out try not to leave anything blank. Once he's admitted we can give him a room, and you can wait in there. Visitor hours are supposed to have ended, but you can stay if you stay in his room."

"Thank you!"


Gray lifted the fork full of cake to my lips "Is you feeding me really necessary?" I asked him as I pushed his hand to the side

He nodded and chuckled "It's a cute romantic thing, just eat the damn cake!"

"I'm not five you know." he rolled his eyes but didn't move the fork "You should-" as I was speaking he shoved the fork past my lips. After I took the cake into my mouth I forced the fork out. "You could have stabbed my tongue."

"For someone who said he's not five you sure are acting like it by being all fussy" I rolled my eyes but chuckled anyway. "Oh you don't like when you're the one being insulted huh Ale...Ale...Ale"

"Why do you keep saying my name?"

"Ale wake up!"

My head shot up, and the hand I had felt on my shoulder for a millisecond was gone. "What the fuck!" I said as my heart raced

"Ale it's seven in the morning. You've been sleeping here for 12 hours" Bella said. I rubbed my eyes, and looked over at the bed my head was resting on.

"When did Gray get out of surgery?"

"About nine hours ago. He's going to be okay the doctor said." Enzo said. I looked at Gray who was sleeping peacefully then back at my sister and her now husband

"You guys should be on your honeymoon! Your wedding was already ruined don't skip the honeymoon!"

Bella shook her head "We aren't leaving until Gray is okay. He took a fucking bullet for Enzo."

"You should go home man. Get some new clothes."  Enzo Suggested. I was still in my suit. I shook my head

"I'm not leaving till he wakes up." I looked outside the glass on the room to see if anyone else we knew was here. "Who's watching Matteo?" I don't know why I asked that he's 16 he can take care of himself. I guess I was just worried after we got shot at last night.

"He's actually watching Kat right now. Sam and Ally are with the baby. The shooting kind of scared the shit out of them now that they have a kid." Bella said

I nodded "I'm sorry your wedding was ruined."

Enzo put his hand on my shoulder "We said I do, I got to see her walk down the aisle, and we got gifts. It wasn't ruined just...took a detour. I'm just glad Gray will be okay."

I grabbed onto his limp hand "Yeah me too." I squeezed it tight before letting out a heavy sigh

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