3. Alejandro

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The strong scent of pancakes filled the room as I groaned and rolled over "Come on Alejandro it's almost noon." Abby said with a giggle

"Do you have food? I smell food." I felt the bed shift meaning she sat down on it, and I finally looked up at her. She had a plate of pancakes and some fruit "You are the best."

"Aww thank you handsome." she laid down next to me, and I put my arm around her "You slept late."

"What time is it?"

"11:56 " she said as she took a strawberry off the plate. I grabbed my phone off the counter and saw three missed calls from Gray and two missed texts. I can't believe I let him make his own contact name.

Most handsome guy <3: They're letting me out of here come pick my fine ass up

Most handsome guy <3: Okay you're not picking up my calls i'm driving my fine ass home myself.

I rolled my eyes, and pressed the call button. He picked up immediately "Do you want to know why they call me morally Gray?"

I rubbed my temple "No one calls you that. I want to know why you drove yourself home knowing you're in no shape to drive."

"They call me that because when I want revenge I wait it out. Give the person some time to enjoy with their family before I kill them. So i'm neither good nor bad."

I got of the bed and Abby whined, but I walked to my closet to get some clothes. I put the phone on speaker "You're high out of your mind on painkillers and you drove yourself home. You could have gotten hurt."

"I love when we do this. I speak and you don't listen instead you tell me what I could do to keep safe, and that's when I don't listen. We have great banter." I heard a monitor beep

"You fucking dick. You're still at the hospital aren't you?"

"They wouldn't let me drive my fine ass home, so I just wanted to scare you. Did it work?" I picked the phone back up and took him off speaker.

"I'll be there in 20 minutes I have to brush my teeth." I set the phone down again as I walked into my bathroom "Oh and Gray"


"When you're plotting your revenge against Russians make sure I get the cooler looking gun." I hung up before he could pester me anymore especially about my whole no killing rule I have for myself. He thinks it's dumb

Abby walked up behind me "How's your boyfriend?"

"He go- he's not my boyfriend." she chuckled

"Then why does he get more attention than me?"

I picked her up by her waist and set her down next to my toothbrush. "Because he got shot, and I care about him."

"Hey if you're gay I'd rather you tell me now. I won't be as mad."

I chuckled "I'm not gay, and it wouldn't matter anyway. This is a very open household we don't care who you fuck."

"Isn't Gray gay? I swear that boy likes you."

"He's bisexual but he likes men more. Say's holding a mans hand just feels more right to him. It might explain why he holds his own hand sometimes which is kind of adorable" i'm getting off track  "He doesn't like me though. He just flirts with everyone."

She made a sour face "Not me."

I set the toothbrush in my mouth "Come with me to the hospital then."


I walked into the hospital room to see Gray sitting criss cross on the bed, and looking down at his phone "They said I could find my friend Grayson around here maybe you know him. About 5'4, cocky, mildly attractive"

He walked over to me, and hit the back of my head "6'2 jackass i'm taller than you. I'm also hotter"

"Hey don't flatter yourself, and I happen to be tall for a De Luca." most men in my family are about 5'7,  but i'm 5'11 and Matteo is 5'10 and a half but he tells people he's 6'0. Bella tells people the same thing.

Abby's grip on my hand tightened "Hi Grayson."

He gave her a mean look "It's Gray, but hi Abby."

"So umm" I tried to think of what to say to ease the tension "Do you want to grab food first or just go home?"

He tossed his bag over his shoulder and winced slightly not only was he shot in the thigh and abdomen but when he took the dive in front of Enzo he hurt his shoulder.

"Okay take that off"

"Oh Ale your girlfriend is here." I shoved his other shoulder lightly

"The bag idiot." he shrugged it off his shoulder and handed it to me. "Thank you. Now do you want food or do you wanna go home?"

He put his arm around my shoulder, and I saw Abby roll her eyes so I shrugged him off "I think I want to go home. You guys can stay over if you want."

Abby leaned into me "I want to go to my place Alejandro."

"I'll just drop you off at your house then Gray." he flashed a lopsided smile and started to walk down the hall. As Abby and I walked a good distance behind him I pulled her closer to me "I know you don't like him, but could you at least stop with the mean faces."

"Fine, but he needs to stop." I nodded then smiled at her


An hour later I rang Gray's door bell with a pizza in hand. He took awhile to answer I assumed it was because he was limping. "Ale what are you doing here?"

"I was home with Mat, but he went out to get food and I realized I wanted pizza and I couldn't eat it alone. Hospital food sucks so I figured you'd enjoy this."

He smiled and held the door open even wider for me to pass by him. I walked towards the kitchen as he hopped behind me. I grabbed two beers from the fridge and set the pizza down on the counter. "Thanks for this Ale."

"We'll it was really just for me but you're welcome."

"Hey don't get all sarcastic on me. It's like talking to a mirror." I chuckled, as I opened the pizza box. I felt my glasses being pushed up my nose, and I turned to Gray who was smiling as he moved his finger off my glasses.

I was basically blind without them I only took them off for fights, and business meetings where I wore my contacts. "Thank you." I said with a smile.

"Wouldn't want it falling in the pizza now would we?" I shook my head and grabbed a slice from the box. Gray opened our beers with just his hand.

"How are Bella and Enzo?" he felt bad they didn't get to leave for their honeymoon on time, but he shouldn't because he saved Enzo's life.

I shrugged. Enzo and I became close shortly after the engagement, but we usually didn't talk for fun. It only happens when I call Bella to check up on her. Matteo still doesn't love him but he's warming up "Bella said they were having fun. Thinking a lot about you but they're mostly just hanging out at the beach." I paused "And doing other things I don't want to hear about."

He chuckled "Oh I know about that." he smirked "Speaking about that stuff why aren't you eating with Abby?"

Again I shrugged. Abby and I honestly didn't spend much time together. "I wanted to eat with you. You need someone to take care of you. Keep your stupid ass out of danger."

"I'm not stupid i'm loyal. I made a promise to you and Enzo I couldn't break."

I raised one of my eyebrows "What promise?"

"To protect Bella if you guys couldn't. I protected her by protecting Enzo, she loves him."

I just smiled at him "You're something else Gray."

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