15. Alejandro

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I had picked Gray up for our hang out. I knew he planned to leave tomorrow to help Enzo in France. I promised I wouldn't bring it up with Bella but it was eating me up inside. Part of me wanted to congratulate her but most of me wanted to tell her that she's still a kid and shouldn't go. That was for selfish reason though.

"Where are we going?" Gray asked as he put his phone down. He had taken me on the last two hang outs so I insisted this time I pick.

"You've always said you wanted to see me in a fight" a smile appeared on his face "When I win i'm using the money to take you wherever you want to go."

"Your bedroom is cheap." he smirked and I scoffed

"You'd be the first person in there in a month other than me"

He frowned "No sex for Ale? Are you a virgin buddy?"

I slapped his chest "What a dumb thing to say. I'm not a virgin I just don't go fucking every person I see"

"You live the most boring life. Guess when I had sex?"

I knew the answer would be recent "Before I picked you up?"

"This morning." Gray wasn't as thoughtful after sex. Or at least from what I heard he's not. He says he'll provide aftercare if necessary but he usually sends who he slept with on their way as soon as they're done. "Don't be jealous though baby I would be more than happy to help you in your slump."

"You probably have a disease. No thank you." He scoffed and I chuckled which caused him to smile.

I parked the car outside of what looked like an abandoned warehouse but it was known property of Markus Lopez who was part of the Mexican mafias head family. "Ready?" I said and he nodded.


We were sitting in the locker room. Gray was not fighting today mostly due to the fact he wanted to just watch. I did however ask him to stay with me while I got ready. He was sitting on a bench as I removed my shirt. He admired my tattoos "You don't have many scares" he said

My father preferred to use his hands when he'd hurt me. I did have some scares on my body mainly my arms and thighs but not many. "Do you." he nodded "Scares are just a way to prove you're stronger than what you went through." I watched him think and then smile as he traced the one visible scare below my knife tattoo.

"Hey Ale" I looked over at him "Did you ever fear me?" I sat down on the bench and faced him. I looked confused and concerned I was sure of it.

"What's with the sad questions today? Are you sure you're okay?"

"Just answer and i'll tell you."

so sighed "You were the only person in the room on that day we met that I didn't fear."


"Because there's love in your eyes. Lost love but it was there. You were also friendly and I chose to believe it wasn't an act and I was right." he looked a mix of relieved and sad "What's wrong?"

"I've just been doing a lot of thinking about the person i've become. Not many great thoughts."

"I think you're great"

"Yeah you're like practically in love with me i'm not surprised." I rolled my eyes and went to get up but he pulled me back. "The love in my eyes is not love for myself."

I truly think Gray is one of the best people I know. I know a lot of what he struggles with but not all. He was not meant to live this life and had his father been normal he wouldn't have. I wish he'd tell me more but he will open up when it's right for him.

"Gray." I put my hand on his thigh "You may not love yourself but everyone around you does. Self love can take time to develop but I hope that I get to help you with gaining it. The fear you have of yourself is just your fears of what your dad made you. You'll realize you are nothing like that. You're as good as someone who does what we do can get."

Before he could respond someone tapped on my shoulder "Hey Ale." my friend Leah said. She was one of the servers here "It's time for your match." I knew she liked me. Many girls here had crushes on me and had tried to get in my bed. Not many interested me.

"One second Leah." I smiled at her and she walked away

"There's the end to your sex drought" I looked at him confused "Come on man you are awful at being able to tell when people like you."

"No I know she likes me i'm just not interested in her." I took my glasses off and placed them on Gray "Take care of these for me."

"Do I look good" I nodded "Ale I can't see anything but it looked like a blurry figure was moving did you nod." I chuckled and nodded again. He ripped the glasses off his face "I swear to god i'll step on these"

"You look good."


I was in the middle of the stadium. People were yelling all around me. My first of three opponents went down before he could even try and come after me. My second was a good fight but in the end he left with what was probably several broken bones and a bloody nose. Mine was slightly bloody but nothing broken. I was with my last opponent who was on the ground in front of me. I watched as he got up not being on the ground long enough for me to win. I looked up at the stands.

Gray wore my glasses on his head as he watched intensely. I smirked at him. He smirked back. I felt a punch to my gut and I watched as Gray's nose scrunched and I heard many people boo. Fortunately I was not knocked down that would have embarrassed me. I turned to my opponent "Seriously?" I said with a smile he looked at me like I was crazy for thinking he wasn't serious.

He swung again but I moved out of the way "Come on man i'm trying to impress someone" I said mockingly as he looked like he was starting to give out. I loved speaking to my opponents as we fought. It fucked with their focus. "Okay come here" he stepped forward and as he did my fist connected with his face "Oh that looked like it hurt" I kneed his stomach "and that"

I looked up at Gray who had the expression of a child watching his first ever football game. I felt proud of myself. "You kind of look like you could use a nap let me help" I said to the guy in front of me who was bent over. I swiftly kicked him in the ribs causing him to fall over staying on the floor for good. "Nighty night." I said as I shrugged. There was a lot of cheering as the bell rang signalling I had won all my rounds. I smiled and walked off not needing more attention.

After a few moments in the locker room I was met with Gray "That was fucking awesome. I had no idea you were that good at fighting! And you're like really fucking strong Ale!"

"Did you think I wasn't"

"No it's just in my head you wouldn't hurt a fly even if it hurt you." I chuckled "Seriously though I am so impressed! Thank you for bringing me! Also remind me never to fuck with you."

"Oh please you'd kick my ass." Gray was great at fighting but i'm honestly not sure if he would. I pulled my contacts out and tried my best to grab the glasses off Gray but I did accidentally hit his forehead. After a moment of struggle I got the glasses back. "I'm just going to clean up my nose and shower and then we can go wherever you want." He took the wipes from my hand and started to tend to my few wounds

"How much did you make?"

"8000" I muttered quietly so no one would ask to fight me for it. I was done with fighting for the day.

"We could do pretty much anything." he said and I nodded "First you should let me shower with you." he winked and I dead stared him.

"How about instead I buy you something nice"

"Like?" he moved his hands from my face and I grabbed one

"A nice ring...not a wedding ring before you say something stupid" He laughed

"Okay yeah. Matching rings on you."

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