4. Grayson

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I never thought of myself as a person who complained often; contrary to what everyone tells me, but right now I can't stop complaining "I don't want to walk on the treadmill. I'm perfectly capable of running."

My physical therapist, Adam, pinched his temple and looked over at Ale who drove me here "Please help me out."

Ale set the weight he had down and walked over to me "Run." 

Adam's jaw dropped "No! He can't!" Ale turned the speed on the treadmill up and I started going faster "Ale what are you doing? He's hurt."

"I got this." he swatted Adam's hands away. I started to speed up as Ale kept pushing the up arrow. 

My leg started to feel a sharp pain where I got shot "Okay Ale this is good."

"Thought you wanted to run?" I kept speeding up. My leg was hurting. Ale smiled at me he's the devil. "I just want to make sure you're okay. Make sure you're not hurt."

"Okay stop!" I yelled and Ale immediately pressed the emergency stop "My leg!" I whined Adam pulled over a chair and Ale helped me into it.

"That was stupid." Adam muttered. 

Ale placed my leg on his thigh. He was sitting across from me "Are you okay Gray?" he said with sympathy. I shook my head "Where does it hurt."

"My thigh. You're evil."

"Are you going to run again?"

I shook my head "I'm going to nap." he chuckled. He started to rub over my thigh. it felt really good.

"I'm sorry. Adam can you get him ice?" Adam nodded and walked away "I didn't mean for you to get hurt. You just wouldn't listen if I told you otherwise."

I shrugged "It doesn't hurt that much I just like to be extra." It really didn't hurt it just didn't feel good. 

Ale continued to rub my thigh "You're not weak if you can't run you know? You got fucking shot. i'm proud of you for just walking."

I pressed my lips into a thin line. I've seen people get shot in the arm and continue to fight "Thanks. It feels good now by the way." he stopped rubbing 

"You'll be able to run soon. You'll be able to kick my ass again before you know it. Just don't over work yourself or i'll kick your ass."

I chuckled "I noticed, you asshole."

Adam walked back in and placed the ice down on my thigh "You almost ready to get back to work? Next were going to do some easy lunges. Not to many. Like five per leg"

"What no! I can totally do more like 20. No 50. Fuck it i'm doing 50!" I tried to stand up but both of them pushed me back on the chair 

"Oh my god Gray. You're going to be a struggle aren't you?" Adam asked and Ale nodded. 


After adam agreeing that Ale needed to be at every session to keep me in check I finished my  extremely easy work out and Ale took me home. I wanted to shower so I walked up to my room. My leg was cramping by the time I got up the stairs, so I laid on my bed for a minute. 

I looked over at the nightstand to see the black and white photo of my mom and I. I kept that photo there when times got hard for me. She was my reminder of what was good in this world. Granted I had the De Luca's now to show me there's good...other than Matteo that kid is crazy.  

When she died everything and everyone seemed so bad to me but she was always in my head to shine a light on my life. I guess everything seemed bad because the moment she died was the moment I became part of the mafia. 

My dad used to gamble a lot on weekends and over the years his debt racked up so much we had to sell our house and move into a two bedroom apartment. My mom didn't want to start arguments in front of me so she never confronted him on who exactly he owed and how much. 

one night when I was nine he came rushing home from work. My mom said he reeked of alcohol. I remember he started to pack up a bunch of things and he was yelling about the men coming. My mom pressed him for more answers but he just started to get shaky and begged us to pack a bag. 

"Grayson honey give dad and I a minute ok? Go pack an overnight bag like you're going to sleep at grandmas." was what my mom said. I nodded but Instead of going to pack a bad I just hid behind the wall my head peeking out from the corner. 

"Who's coming Kai?" she said 

"Mary i'm in deep shit. If something goes bad I need you and Grayson to run. Just leave okay? The country the continent I don't care."

"I'm not leaving you." she grabbed onto his arms "Who is coming?"

"The mafia. I own them a few million." he shook his head "A man named Romeo McKay." he ran around grabbing as much as he could and stuffing it in a bag my mom followed suit. 

After about 10 minutes of them doing that and arguing there was a bang on the door "Come on Kai where is our fucking money!" a guy yelled

"Mom?" I whispered from behind wall. She looked at me worried 

"Take him Mary." my dad said 

"Mom no! What's happening" I tears started to roll down my cheek 

"Gray baby please go hide. Don't make a sound. I love you" she kissed my forehead .The door was knocked down and I gasped. I ran back behind the wall but poked my head out. There were four men and at least six guns between them.

"Give us the money or someone is going to die." 

"I don't have it. Please." the man looked at me then the other guys

 "How much you think the kid means to him?" he said with a chuckle 

"You're not going to kill a nine year old boy." my dad said in a cocky tone

"For 10 million I just might." my mom was crying. She looked over at me. Her eyes begging me to run "Maybe i'll kill this pretty lady." he walked over to his and twirled her hair in his finger "Maybe i'll use her for my own good."

I ran out from the corner "Get your hands off of her!" I yelled. The man came towards me but my mom screamed and my dad shoved me out of the way 

"Grayson go!" she screamed again and I ran out of the room. I heard the gunshot and turned around. I watched as her body slumped to the floor. her eyes were open and lifeless. Her cheeks were stained with tears. She was looking at me and I couldn't look away 

"Grab the Kai and the kid." A man named Liam walked over to be and picked me up. I kicked and screamed and I begged for my mom 

"Please! Mommy! Please wake up! Mom help" I yelled before one of the guys shut me up with a gag. 

"It's a shame isn't it. I would have loved having her tied to my bed." I was carried to a car and my dad walked alongside me quietly. 

We got in and the men sat next to us "You'll pay off your debts to Mr. McKay. Your son will start working for him when he's old enough. Till then he can spend time with Enzo McKay" another man looked at me with some sympathy "He'll keep you safe." he said.

My dad looked at me with no feelings in his face...he stayed like that for the rest of his life "You killed your mother Grayson. Let that sink in."

I fell asleep cradling the photo of her and I. 

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