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Gray and I were finally back home which sucked because I loved being away with him but he needed to do his training and I needed to catch up on work. Speaking of I had two representatives from the Costas in my office boring me to death on business deals.

"Mr.DeLuca you realize if the deal does not go through our foreign enemies will be inclined to attack"

"I know" I rolled my knife between my fingers as I saw one of the guys trigger fingers twitch

"Then why are you so hesitant to agree"

I harshly shoved the tip of the knife into the wooden desk and it stayed still. One of the men flinched and I smiled "Because I don't like you guys."


"Asking me for 70 million dollars with nothing in return sounds kind of dumb doesn't it?"

"In return you will get a part of our army"

I chuckled "Don't need it. I have one of my own and we're very well off. Honestly I think you idiots would bring us down"

"Please sir. Take a moment-" he went to pour more whiskey and I grabbed his wrist. He looked up at me with fear

"Evan, calm the fuck down." he took a deep breath and settled in his chair. Evan was someone I had gone to middle school with. I knew he didn't have the guts to go against me. "Our foreign enemies aren't going to touch me" that was true. They knew they didn't have the power to over throw me "If they attack it's not my problem." his puppy eyes did make me feel bad "I'll give you half of what you want but I was 20% shares in the Costa Hotel business in Northern Italy" I have been trying to get my hands on that for years but my father always thought it was useless.

"Allow me to make some calls" the other guy said and I nodded signaling he can step outside.

"How have you been Alejandro?" Evan asked me

"I'm rich so I can't complain" he chuckled "How is your family?" he and his wife had recently welcomed a daughter

"We are good." I nodded "I heard you're seeing someone" I nodded again "A man."

"Yes. Do you have something to say about it?" my trigger finger twitched

"Ale please everyone in middle school knew" I raised an eyebrow "I mean we thought you also liked girls but you were pretty into some contact sports. More then most" I chuckled

"Well you guys honestly knew before I did" he chuckled as well

"I'm glad you have found someone"

"I'm glad you have a loving family" Evan was always kind. I was nothing if not kind to those who deserved it. The other man came back in

"They said they'll give you 15%" I rolled my eyes and then looked at Evan

"What happens to the two of you if you come back with nothing?"

"Nothing good happens when we can't close a deal" Evan replied. I knew the feeling from my dad a little too well. I knew Evan was a good father and if I ever found out he wasn't...well I'll kill him.

"I'll take the deal but Marco Costa needs to sign in person." the other man nodded. I sat up from my chair and shook their hands "Now leave I have more important things to do" both of them nodded and walked out but before they could I stopped Evan and handed him a new bottle of the whiskey he tried to pour earlier "If I ever hear you miss treat your kid don't worry about it being Marco who hurts you okay buddy?"

"I'd hurt myself before I hurt her" I nodded and let go of the bottle as he walked out.

I leaned back in my chair preparing myself for my next boring meeting. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw three miss texted from Gray

Sexy Fella: *One attachment image*

Sexy Fella: I look good right?

Sexy Fella: You should come bandage me up when I'm done

I smirked. The picture was his shirtless. He was sweaty and bloody. I knew part of his training was going to be fighting. He was to learn all of Enzos secret moves. I knew it didn't hurt him despite the fact that it looked painful.

Me: Come over I'll take good care of you

he replied with another shirtless photo. I decided not to respond. I'll give him an hour or so wondering what I'm thinking. My chance to tease him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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