2. Grayson

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My eyes fluttered open as I groaned because of the super harsh lighting. My head was dizzy, and everything hurt. My eyes opened fully and I saw someone run out of the room. A moment later nurses and doctors came in.

"Hi Mr.Knight i'm Dr.Bishop. Can you tell me the last thing you remember?"

I looked over at him as he looked at a chart I assume is mine then picked up my arm to start poking at it "Enzo and Bella's wedding. Shots were fired and I jumped in front of Enzo. I'm guessing I got shot." wouldn't be a first probably won't be the last.

The doctor nodded "Good your memory doesn't seem to be impaired."

"Great i'm perfect"  I heard a cough on the other side of the room and I looked over to see Ale leaning on the door frame

"Anything else wrong with him besides his cocky attitude?" he asked then smiled

"How long you been there dimples?" he shrugged

"About two days." he walked over to me. I can't believe I was out for two days.

"You're a lucky man. Mr. De Luca here hasn't left your side. He's been distracting my staff with stories" he turned to Ale "And Mr.Knight is right he seems to be perfect.

"That's good to hear doc thank you for everything. Can we take him home soon?"

The doctor nodded "In about a day or so. I'll give you two some time. I'll come check back up on you in an hour."

The doctor smiled then walked out. Ale sat on my bed "You stayed for two days!?!"

"Yeah. Bella and Enzo wouldn't go on their honeymoon till you were okay. I just texted them to tell them to go. Matteo has been staying with a friend since i'm not home, and I asked Sam and Ally to babysit Kat since I was meant to."

I bit the inside of my cheek "And work? Your girlfriend?"

"Being a mafia boss has perks like I can make people do things for me. Speaking of which I know you were meant to start as the McKay mafia boss this week, but i'm taking over till you can walk." he took a deep breath "And the girlfriend is good. She's shaken up." his girlfriend wasn't even fucking there.

I sighed "I almost died...for the millionth time in my life. It changes people you know?"

I chuckled "I've been beaten half to death before. I know." I've seen Ale shirtless and sometimes you can see permanent damage from a fight he's been in or some shit with his dad. I've got scars too though so it's not shocking.

I chuckled as well "At least I look good right?"

"Never" he joked. I scoffed

"So what about me am I going to change now that i've had a life changing experience?"  he shrugged "I'll figure it out. In the meantime I can milk this incident into getting anything I want from you."

"No you can not" he shook his head furiously

"I want ice cream. Ale can you get it for me?" pressed his lips into a thin line then stood up


"Mint chip." he gagged

"Disgusting." I chuckled. It's a good fucking flavour "That's what psychopaths eat."

"Baby have you met me? I check all the boxes" a therapist once told me I had psychopathic tendencies I cover up with humour and she wouldn't be shocked if I was a killer.

That was the day Enzo and I killed Giovanni De Luca and I fired the therapist.

Ale walked out, and left his phone on the table. It started to ring and I decided to pick it up for him "Alejandro's phone this is his side chick speaking."

"Alejandro what the fuck!" oh fuck...it's his girlfriend "¡Qué diablos quieres decir chica lateral! Ponle el culo al teléfono antes de que yo-"

"Calm down crazy lady!" I said as I made sure to enunciate each word "It's Gray. Abby you scare me"

"Oh...hi Grayson. Where Alejandro?"

"Depends are you going to yell at me again? I almost died you know I can't be having a heart attack because I'm scared you'll yell at me in Spanish again"

she sighed "I'm sorry. No I won't yell."

"He's getting me food." I started to fumble with the blanket covering me "Im okay by the way thanks for asking." Ale walked back in

"They only had chocolate, vanilla, and cookie dough so I got you chocolate and I can put gum in it if you want." I chuckled

"He's back." I said with a smile as I handed him the phone "It's Abby."

He passed me the ice cream and took the phone "Hi sweetheart. Can I call you later?" he paused "Yeah i'll ask if he wants me to then i'll text you. Okay bye."

"Ask what?"

"Do you want me to stay the night again? I figured you don't want to be lonely but at the same time you probably don't want to be having a sleepover."

I shook my head "Go see your girlfriend. I'll be fine alone." he didn't smile or anything just took my hand into his

"I need you to call me if you don't feel good or if you need company or if you need anything really."

"I will I promise."

He bit his lip. Him and Bella do them same thing when they aren't comfortable with a decision they make. I swear they could be twins with all their shared looks and mannerisms; meanwhile i'm convinced Matteo is adopted "Unless you want to stay?"

His lip rolled between his lips before he let god. "No it's okay. Abby needs me. I'll be back tomorrow." I let go of his hand and he grabbed his bag.

"I'm going to start seriously dating." I blurted out

"What?" he said as he furrowed his eyebrows

"I'm 22. I've never been serious with someone. Enzo is married, Sam is engaged with a kid, You've got a girlfriend. It's time I get serious."

"Enzo fell in love unexpectedly, Sam's thing was an accident even though he loves Oliver, and i'm 26 It's about time I had a girlfriend. You don't need to rush."

Exactly he has a girlfriend that's the problem "Goodnight dimples."

He chuckled "Night...I don't have a nickname i'll work on one though."

A/N for people reading as a stand alone. Kat is Enzo's 12 year old sister. Sam is Gray's other best friend and he's engaged to Allison (Ally) who is Bella's best friend. Sam and Ally just had a baby named Oliver. Bella and Matteo are Ale's younger siblings ( 20 and 16).

Bella is married to Enzo they're from the original book.

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