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I had gone home with Samuel from the bar. He was really good in bed I mean really good. The day after he texted me to hang out and I reluctantly said sure. I don't really have friends but I guess it would be good to get some other than Ale to work on myself. 

I don't have plans to see him for another few days. I was kind of nervous about it. Not because I was nervous about impressing him but because I was just nervous about trying to move on. I still haven't but I know Ale feels nothing for me and he never will and I need to accept it. It would be nice though to do one final "date" before I start calling them our hang outs. I picked up my phone and started to dial 

When he answered after two rings I spoke first "Hey sexy. Whatcha wearing?"

"Well I'm at work so my usual. A dark suit and tie." I chuckled 

"I love when you can't flirt." I could feel him rolling his eyes "Date tonight?"

"What about the guy from the bar?" he said quickly 

"Hoes before other hoes." he chuckled "Come on it will be fun. We can just sit at home and watch movies or something." 

"That sounds nice. We can do it at my place Matteo isn't home tonight" 

I smiled "Prefect. I'll see you tonight baby."

"I'll see you tonight love" my heart skipped a beat. Thats the first time he's ever called me a pet name. I smiled wide then heard the beeps meaning he hung up. I banged my fist on my desk as my teeth rolled my lip between them. God fuck. 


Later that night I showed up to Ale's house in my Star Wars pajamas and was shocked to hear he had never seen the movies. I immediately shut him up and allowed myself into his room to turn it on on his tv. 

He had grabbed the pizza box and waters and met me upstairs. He claimed into the bed next to me and opened the pizza as I started the movie. I saw out of the corner on my eye he had grabbed a slice and I opened my mouth and leaned my head slightly in his direction. He chuckled and placed the end of the pizza in my mouth. I took a bit and he took one after me. 

Most of the movie was watched in silence as we were both very interested but there was an occasional yawn from Ale which resulted in me yelling at him for not paying attention. As the movie came to an end I looked over at him.

He looked beyond tired. He's been over worked. "Can I ask you something?" he nodded "Why'd you call me Love today?"

"Why do you call me baby everyday"

I shook my head "You know why and I asked you first."

He shrugged "I just like having a nickname for you as well." I smiled

We sat in silence for a moment looking at each other "Can I ask you something now?" I nodded "Would you ever genuinely date me?"

I smirked "Yes"

"Be serious" he replied. 

I took a deep breath in "Yes I would" and I exhaled. I saw the ends of his lips curve for a moment. He looked at me. He was doing a lot of thinking right now I could tell. I was worried I made him uncomfortable. 

He looked at my lips and back at my eyes. His hand went to my neck and he pulled me closer. Before I even realized his lips were on mine. It was a mere second but so much had happened in that second. Before he could fully pull away I pulled him back. I kissed him harder this time and he opened his mouth for me to slip my  tongue in. 

After a few moments like that I positioned myself over him. My hand started to sleep up his shirt and he quickly stopped me. He pulled away "Sorry. It's just..."

"You just wanted to see what kissing me was like?" I frowned 

"No no it's not like that at all. I like you too Gray. It's just I haven't been with a man in that way."

"Oh" I smiled "I'll take things as slow as you want." he smiled and I got off of him "I should go then" I started to get up but he grabbed my arm 

"No can you please stay" I nodded and awkwardly slipped back into bed. I pulled the blankets over us. 

"I never thought you'd kiss me" I admitted 

"Why not?"

"You don't seem like a first move kind of guy"

"Yeah well you wouldn't make it so I had to" I smiled and chuckled and he followed He leaned into me. my arms wrapped around him pulled him closer and his head moved to my chest. I could imagine my heart is beating rapidly. "I really like you Gray"

"I really like you Ale" I kissed his forehead and saw him smile "Rest up tomorrow is an actual date"

"An actual date" 

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