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Xavier's pov:

" Get my coffee and update me with my schedule later" . Chris nods and goes to bring me my morning coffee. Chris, my secretary, manages my schedule and other works for me. I usually reach office by 8 am while all my staff reach by 9. I usually don't have anything to do apart from work so rather than staying in my bed, I prefer to start with my work. Being an early riser I get up at 5 , do my workout and reach to the office. I was disturbed by the knock on door. Chris came with my strong black coffee and updated me with my schedule . Damn !! Today's gonna be hell tiring with these non stop meetings.

It was 11.20 am and that was my last meeting before lunch. Someone dressed in black suit  knocked my door. He was a man whose age would be approx 50-55 . He sat infront of me and as I was updated he was Sean Jones , a businessman whose business has been drowning since last two months and is in desperate need of funds.

"So , Mr. Jones I know for what you are here still, kindly say what you want to." I said.

" I know Mr. Adams you don't like people who beat around the bush. So, I would get straight to the point.
I started this business as a source of income when my family was starting to get on streets. This business worked and till last two months we never had anything to worry about. But these last two months, I have been very short of funds due to certain family issues and as a result my business started to fall. This business is my life and my love . It's getting very difficult for me to see it falling down. So I request you to invest in my business so that I can get it back to track again."

" As far as my secretary updated me , you  never let any investor enter your business. You were the sole owner of it. So now instead of taking loan from bank or trying som other ways , why are you here to ask me to invest?"

" I wouldn't lie to you . I think that my business should be only mine . No one should get anything from it. But , now I am looking for a investment because loans cannot guarantee success. But, a strong name behind your back can be much helpful."

" Honestly, I thought you would lie. But, seeing that you are very clear about  your motive that you want a strong support so that you can stand back as you were, makes me appreciate your honesty here."

" Thank you Mr. Adams" he interrupted.

" I'm not finished yet. Never interrupt me." He was looking at me with fear and that makes me feel proud of myself and the aura, I created around myself. "As  I was saying , even though you're honest and after going through your file , I found that your business is something that can never fail as long as a right person runs it. Seeing that you are running it from the last 20 years with dedication and honesty, I think I won't get into loss by being your investor...."

" Thank you so much for your trust Mr. Adams. You really helped me a lot. I promise that you won't ever face the loss."

I stared at him till he finished and then banged my fist on the table and shouted, " This should be last time you interrupted me or else I won't care about the amount of profit you would give me , I will straight up withdraw all my investments. Am I clear?"

"Y..ess....S... irr..."

" Even though I am ready to invest , you must know that I don't do anything for free . I need the guarantee that you won't misuse my power , my name or my money. As far as I know, all properties and assets of yours are mortgaged. What do you have to say about it?"

" Sir , you have my word."

" Even if you were the King of some vast empire, I still wouldn't have given a damn about your word Mr. Jones."

" Sir, I have nothing left with me. Even my house is mortgaged. What can I give you now?"

"That's not my thing to worry about."

He thought for a minute before saying, "I have a daughter Sir. Don't get me wrong but, we can work this out like a contract marriage. Till the time my business booms, my daughter can stay as your wife. This way, even you'll have a wife to show the world and also you'll get a guarantee."

" Whatttt?"

"Only if that's okay with you." He put forth his proposal.
I haven't even seen his daughter but, seeing his condition of having nothing as a guarantee , I see no other option. Even I need to prove myself as a family man and not as a cassanova to a client so that I get a deal in India . So it'll be beneficial to both of us.

"It's fine to me." I said.

"When should be the marriage conducted Sir?" He asked smiling.

"But, wouldn't you want to ask your daughter?" I asked him.

" That won't be needed Mr. Adams. I can assure you everything will be good."

" As you wish. I don't want a lavish wedding. It'll be a court marriage with just two witnesses and nothing else. I'll be sending a pre- nuptial bond aggreement after an hour at your office. Make sure you get it signed by your daughter and submit the papers to me tomorrow. "

" When's my schedule free Chris?" I asked my secretary who was sitting on the couch in my cabin.

" It'll be day after tomorrow Sir. " He replied instantly.

" So , it's done Mr. Jones that the wedding will be day after tomorrow . Hope I'll see you tomorrow with the signed papers  and then at the wedding."

" Sure Sir!"

" You may leave now." Then I called Lucas to prepare the papers and send them directly to Mr. Jones' office. He agreed only after cursing me God knows how many times and warning me to not spoil an innocent' s life.

He is a well known Lawyer in the States and also owns his own law firm. He is also a major share holder in my all the companies, along with some restaurants and hotels he owns. Basically, he is also a self made billionaire who also happens to be my brother in law.

He is married to my sister Danielle. When I got to know that my sister and my best friend are in a relationship, I was devastated thinking that my best friend betrayed me. But, when I got to know about their true feelings for each other and after seeing their condition when they couldn't talk to each other because of my opposition, I happily agreed to their relationship. Now, they are the happiest of all and amazing partners to each other. He is not only my best friend, but also a brother to me, who stands by me in every situation of my life. He is that support system for me , without whom I would be lost.

My sister Danielle, happens to be a fashion designer and owns a huge brand of herself and like us both, she is also self made billionaire who refused to take any help from me while establishing her brand. On basis of her own talent and hard work, she created a name for herself in the industry and today, she is the most demanded and talented fashion designer in the States. Not only in Hollywood but, celebrities and actors from all over the world are huge fan of her work.

Apart from being so talented in her field, she is also an expert in getting her wishes fulfilled. She can turn into a professional blackmailer, if anyone of us refuses to listen to her. When people call me and Lucas, The Arrogant Friends of the industry , we get on to our knees in front of her when she decides to be stubborn. But above all, she is our life and keeps us alive and sane with her antics and madness. Only Mimi can control her , when she gets out of hand.

Mimi was our caretaker and nanny when our parents were alive. But, we didn't realise when she turned our mom, taking care of both of us from the day are parents left us. She never made us feel like we have no one in this world. She took care of us like her own, whenever we broke down and managed to handle our vulnerable state. Both me and Dan, are very close to her. Especially Dan. Mimi is her mother and father from childhood. I remember some visuals of my parents but Dan, she was very small when they passed away. Mimi was the one who ignored her personal life and selflessly took care of us her entire life. Now, she stays with me and still take care of me like my mother.


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