Mine To Cherish 🖤

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Maya's pov:

It was late summer. The weather was gradually changing to autumn, which was noticeably seen on the leaves that were starting to turn orange. The sun was out, but it wasn't too hot or too cold outside. In fact, it was actually soothing; the cold wind blowing, paired with the warm sun shining above.

After taking a stroll in the park nearby, I came back to the mansion only to find the irreplaceable darkness around my life and heavily depressing mood. I thought that the nature might heal my heart but, seemed to do the otherwise. The park gave me back the memories when I went out with Xavier and spent a good time with him. Coming back to the mansion, it was all about Xavier. There wasn't even a single corner in the mansion where I wouldn't get reminded of him. It was just a matter of few days and when I'd be able to get my own place, I'll leave this mention forever. But, till the time as I had no other option, I had to live here.

Side lining all the thoughts, I did my morning chores, had a good, relaxing hot shower, did my breakfast with Anna and resumed for my day. The time flew very quickly. In the middle of my meeting with a client, Anna came in to give me my lunch. She kept the lunch on the bed and left from the room. It was around 4.15, when my stomach started growling badly. I was hungry and then, my eyes fell on the food kept on the bed.

Before I could start with my lunch, a knock on the door made me look at it. It was Chris. A wide smile automatically made it's way on my face after seeing him. I terribly needed someone to talk to and spend time with and seeing him here at this moment made me excitedly go and throw myself at him. Being a good friend indeed, he understood my emotions and hugged me back tightly assuring that he is there for me.

"You're eating at this time?" He asked me seeing the food kept on the bed.
"Yeah. I kind of lost the track of time while working on a code."
"That's really not acceptable Maya. You should take care of your health. Working for such long hours on an empty stomach, is not good at all. You should take care of yourself. This is not way to behave." He scolded me like a father does to his child.

I don't know why but I couldn't take it anymore. Everything inside me started to flow out making their way with my tears. I knew I would look like a stupid to start crying on such a thing, but it's been week or more than that someone cared for me, looked after me, scolded me for my carelessness. Otherwise these days, not that I am bashing anyone but it was like, I had no family, no one to look after me.

He immediately hugged me, rubbing my back to comfort me. But, it didn't seem to help me at all. All that I had kept hidden in my heart, bounced back like a spring seeing someone there for me after so long.

"I'm so sorry Maya for shouting at you. But, you should also take care of yourself. This isn't a way to act. Sorry if you felt bad. I'm really sorry. Now, please calm down and stop crying. It's making me worry." Hearing his caring voice, I held back my emotions. I released myself from him and said, "I'm sorry for crying at such a small thing. Actually, I don't know what happened to me . But, I really felt good seeing you after so long."

He smiled back and even after my refusal, he took me out for lunch. I had an amazing time with him this afternoon. Soon it was the evening and time for us to go home. He said Bye only after promising that tomorrow he'll come back to take me shopping and for a movie.

The remaining night passed the same way. Eating dinner with Anna, both of us trying to initiate a conversation but not succeeding and then, finally crying myself to sleep.


I was getting ready. Chris sent me a message that he's coming to pick me up in 10. I quickly put on a dress, made my hair and went downstairs. Chris was talking with Maya and it didn't seem like a good talk. Their stressed faces gave me the feeling that somewhere I was their topic of discussion. I cleared my throat and they were back to their smiling faces. But, tears in Anna's eyes weren't hidden. I decided to talk to Chris about this. Soon, we went out but, instead of taking towards the plaza, Chris turned the car towards the other side saying that he wanted me to meet someone.

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