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Xavier's pov:

"Why aren't you saying something?" I asked her trying not to loose my cool.
" One doesn't talk back or answer when someone's scolding." She said with her head down .

For a moment, I thought who put these rubbish things in her mind. Then, her father came to my mind. A person who forced her to get married can even feed these rubbish things in her mind.

"And who told you this?" I asked her.
" My parents." She said still looking down.
" Look at me."
She was still looking at the floor. I lifted her chin through my index finger and her tear filled eyes came to my sight.

" What are you so scared of Maya? No one will say anything to you here. If I say something, that doesn't mean I'm scolding you or shouting at you. It may be possible that I am just trying to have a talk with you. Understand the difference between the tone.
I know, I made a mistake by shouting at you earlier. But, trust me I'm really sorry for my behaviour. Right now, I was just trying to have a talk with you, you know, like normal human beings. But, that's only if you're a human." I said smiling.

She kept quite for a second and then she understood my last sentence.  "What do you mean by that Mr. Adams? Kindly elaborate." Her eyes that held fear and hesitation a minute ago, shot up immediately.

" I meant nothing more than the fact that I wanted to talk to you , Mrs. Adams." I said with the same tone as hers.

Maya's pov:

As soon as, the word Mrs. Adams left his mouth, goosebumps erupted over my complete body. I didn't know what to say anymore. I just nodded my head .

" Can we talk?" He asked me with his softest tone I ever heard.
" Okay." I said. Then , I realised that he was still holding my hand. I looked at it and that's when he released his hold.

I sat on the chair and looked at him , waiting patiently to hear him out.
"So....." He said.
"I want to know." He said.
I didn't understand anything.
"What do you want to know?"
"Everything." I still didn't understand anything.
I kept quiet.

"About this marriage, about the pre-nuptial agreement and most importantly about you. I want to know you Maya."
I looked at him not knowing what to say.
"I don't understand." I said.

"What I want to say is that I want to know if this marriage happened with your will, whether you know about the agreement or not."
I looked at him shocked.
"You know everything. You arranged everything." I replied.
"Yes, I know everything. But, that everything includes only the things that were kept forward to me. Not the things that you know."

"Did Anna...." I couldn't form words.

" Yes , Mimi told me . But, not bcoz she wanted to but, bcoz I should know it. But, still I want to hear everything from you. And, don't be upset with her. She is like a mother to me. She just tried to correct me where I went wrong."

"Ohhh. What do you want to hear more? Anna told you everything, right?" I asked him.

" She told me what you told her. But, I want to hear everything from your mouth."
Seeing him so determined, I understood that he won't let the matter slide untill he knows everything. So , I told him everything. Literally everything.
He looked shocked and mostly angry.

" I didn't know that you were forced into this. I never meant to force you or anyone else. First of all, I wasn't the one who proposed this alliance. Your father did."

"What do you mean by you didn't put forth this proposal?" Getting a big shock, that too from Mr. Adams was the thing, I least expected.

"I meant the exact same thing you heard." He replied, his expressions clearly telling that he didn't understand my confusion.

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