First kiss🖤

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Maya's pov:

The day dawned crisp and clear.
The sun poured through my window. Another day had dawned, bringing with it new hopes and aspirations.
The light of dawn seeped into my room. I rubbed my bleary eyes and walked to the window. There was a pearly glow in the sky.
The first rays of sunlight lit up my room. The dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in.
The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene.
The just-risen sun shone softly on the city streets, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity.
It was exact 6 in the morning. Even though my blush wouldn't let me sleep yesterday night, I managed to get lost in the beautiful memories of yesterday's date.

I wanted to start a fresh today. They say that starting your day with the sun, adds the boost to your mood.
I woke up with the sun today. I really appreciate Mr. Adams' choice regarding the place for his mansion. It's out of the rush of city and it also gives an amazing view of sunrise and sunset.
I did my morning chores and went towards the kitchen to get my coffee at around 7.
I descended the stairs and before I could move towards the kitchen, Mr. Adams entered the living room jogging.
He smiled widely looking at me and I reciprocated the same.
He came forward smiling, kissed my cheek and went towards his room without even looking back at me, humming a tune.
My hand automatically went to my cheek where he kissed and a smile bloomed on my face.

"I guess, the date went well." Anna said coming from the kitchen.
"Yeah. How do you know?"
"The smile and the blush says it all."
I blushed more at that statement.
"Um...Is it okay if I make breakfast today?" I asked Anna.
"Yeah it's perfectly okay. It's your house. You don't have to ask for anything."
"Thanks. You're all ready. Going somewhere?"
"Yeah. I was going to tell you that. I'm going at the old age home. Now that you're completely fine and can take care of your own, I can leave you here and resume my routine of spending my weekend with those people."
"Oh yeah. You have told me about that." I forgot about her weekend plans that are fixed.
"Take care of yourself and Xavier too. Don't do any tiresome work. And, I've given today's menu to the chef. He'll make everything. If you want to do something, do that. But , taking care of yourself should be the first priority. No negligence towards that. Understand?" She warned me like a mother warns her five year old kid.
I smiled at her care and said, "It's okay Anna. You can go leaving this house to me. I'll handle everything alone with my health. Don't worry. "
"Fine. Bye and take care." With that she hugged me and left.

It wasn't much work to be done in the kitchen and the mansion today. Although half of the staff is already on leave and I think that others should also get to spend time with their families.
I wanted to ask Mr. Adams if he could allow the staff for the leave.
I went towards his room and before I could knock at the door, I remembered the instant where he told me to not enter his room and study at any cost.

Xavier's pov:

I got up late today, it being a Sunday. Returning from the jogging, I saw Maya's cheerful face and those pink cheeks who refuse to stay away from my lips for too long.
I showered after the long run and got ready for the day. Today, Mimi would be visiting the old age home. Also, half of the staff is on leave on weekends. I thought to plan something for today.
I opened the door of my room to go to the dining table for breakfast. I saw Maya was returning back from my door.

"Oh! Hi."
"What're you doing here?"
"Um...nothing. I was just going to my room." She answered.
"Are you sure? Because your room is still on Dan's floor. And, you clearly don't know how to lie. Your face is saying that you're lying."
She looked down as if she's caught doing something she wasn't suppose to do.
"Uh.. nothing." She turned to leave but, I caught her by her wrist and pulled her towards me such that her hands landed on my chest and I held her by her waist.
"What happened Maya? Tell me, what's wrong? I'm not leaving you till then."
She looked at my chest and kept quiet.
"Maya look up. What is it?" I asked.
"I wanted to ask you if you could give the weekend leave to the staff." She said in a low voice.
"Half of the staff is already on leave on weekends."
"No. I was talking about those who work even on weekends. Even they would want to spend some time with their families.
Besides, we are only two people at the mansion today. We don't need so much of staff. We can do our work by your own.
So, I was going to request you to give the weekend off to the staff." She said all this , still her eyes not lifting up from my chest.
"And may I ask , what was the reason of you leaving without talking to me? And don't lie now. Because, I myself saw you leaving from my door." I wanted to know the reason.
"I actually remembered something." She said.
"You had strictly prohibited me from entering your bedroom and the study. That's why I didn't enter." Her eyes never left my chest all this while.
I held her face in both my hands and made her look at me.
"Maya, I don't know what to do make you forget all that I had said. I'm really sorry for that. Please forget all those things. Please." I apologized to her probably hundredth time.
"I know that you're sorry. I even forgave you for that and also that's why, I agreed to give a chance to this marriage.
But, sometimes the wounds given by the words are so deep, that even if you want them to heal faster, they take their own time to recover."
A small teardrop escaped her eyes.
I wiped it and said, "If I ever get a chance to back in the past, I'd correct everything that I did wrong."
I brought her face closer to mine and kissed her forehead. My eyes closed on their own, my heart increased its pace to pump blood and a satisfaction of having her in my arms was something to die for.

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