Cemetery 🖤

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Author's pov:

It's the harken light of dawn and the symphony of eventide hues. It is the moment of quiet reflection on a task well achieved. It is the sense of inner peace that can only come of being your best self.

When one has felt the difference between a real loving bond and a parasitic clasp, he will always remember and thus be better protected. A real love, a real lover, a true loving bond, will bring one to new strength and inner peace. This is the same feeling that was being treasured by them both.

Peace of seeing the other after so long, peace of being able to breathe the same air and the peace of having the other into your arms was the most surreal and amazing experience they could've had.

It had been more than a hour they were still in the same position. Sitting on the grass in each other's arms. It was that moment when Maya felt her legs getting numb, she slowly released herself from his hold.
"I should get going." Xavier said.
"You've returned now. I should get back to the penthouse. This is your mansion Maya." He said, still his hands never leaving her.

"Shut up!" Maya said and got up from the ground. She forwarded her hand to him and said, "Do you still trust me?" He nodded with a sad smile. "Then, come on. We've to go somewhere."

He took her hand and got up. Before he could ask her anything, she dragged him towards the car. "Where are we going Maya?" He was continuously asking her but, she didn't bother to listen.

It had been more than 20 mins they were in the car. After a while of trying, he stopped asking her, knowing that she won't answer. The car stopped at a place and so did his heart. He went numb seeing the place.

Xavier's pov:

How could she do this? Doesn't she know that I can't stand at this place? Of course she doesn't know. But, still she could've asked me before bringing me here.

The New York Marble Cemetery . It read.

"Maya, what are we doing here?" I tried to avert my gaze from the name of the place. I turned to my other side to see that she wasn't there. That's when my door opened. I looked at Maya , waiting for me to come out of the car.

"What are you doing?" Even though I didn't want to get angry at her but, my gritted teeth proved the otherwise.
"Come out. I want you to meet someone." She said, still not leaving my hand.
"You gotta be kidding me Maya. You have brought me to a cemetery to meet someone! I am not going to meet anyone. Just let me go back." I tried to remove my hand from her hold. But, for the first time I felt her over powering me.

When she still didn't leave my hand I started to get angry. My blood was boiling and my nerves were throbbing with anger.
"Maya listen to me properly. You have returned after long time. It's really nice to see you and I don't wish to fight with you at this moment when I have seen you after so long. Trust me when I say, don't get on my nerves and make me manhandle you here and forcefully make you sit back in the car. I have some really bad memories with this place and I don't wish to relieve them. Understand my pain and stop being stubborn." I, very calmly, yet in a very fearful voice told her to back off with whatever she has planned.

I could see the fear in her eyes and the way she flinched at my tone made me regret my words quickly. Maybe, she has gone back to the memories where I have broken heart so badly. Trust me, those memories still make me drown in guilt.

"I am really sorry if you are being uncomfortable with me here. But trust me, you will be the happiest person when you meet them. Just last time please. Do this for me. Come out and let's go inside." She said, still being stubborn.

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