Backstory pt2

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The beatings continued day in and day out. Everything was the same, he would be beaten, taken for training and then back to the room with the woman. He always said no again and again but it was getting harder for him.

Peter had noticed his skills improving. His fighting skills was now parallel with the guards and he noticed he could now hear better and feel more painfully. The heightened abilities the man was talking about was true. He could also cling to walls and shoot a sort of web fluid out of his wrists. The guards called him Shadow as his abilities meant he could hide quicker and hear people coming from a while away. He could also felt a sort of tingle which helped him detect when danger was approaching.

Peter was busy training when the men whistled for him to go with them. Peter walked in front of them and just headed down the corridor. He knew where he was going now. He entered the room. The woman was sat on the chair but this time her gag was off. It looked like she had just eaten. The man was where he stood everyday leaning against the wall. He saw Peter come in and walked towards him then held the gun out. Peter looked at it for a while and said nothing but then did something he didn't expect. He actually reached out his hand and took the gun. The man pushed his hand towards the woman and laid Peters finger on the trigger. Peter looked at the gun then at the woman.
"Please" she pleaded "I have a husband I have kids please" she looked so frightened almost like how Peter had looked when he first ended up here but that didn't pass his mind at the moment. The only thing he was thinking about was the trigger. Should he pull it? He gave it a thought and without fully realising he pulled the trigger. The bullet shot out of gun and straight into the woman's head. She was dead instantly. Peter gasped and dropped the gun putting his hand to his head.
"I-I-I shot her" Peter started freaking out.
"Yes you did" the man seemed quite pleased at this "now we can go onto stage two".
Peter looked at the man frightened of what this might be.
"Right then let's begin" the man started walking out the room and gestures for Peter to follow him. "Oh" he stopped in tracks and turned to the guards "clean that up" he pointed to the woman then left.

A year later
Peter was sat in his cell lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. Once again they locked him in his tiny little cell. The only time he was really out of him cell now was to train. Peter thought back to a year ago when he was brought here and everything he went through. Stage 1 then stage 2 then stage 3 and finally stage 4 which he was about to start. Stage 2 and 3 were pretty much the same it was getting him to do things Hydra wanted him to do without question and being able to keep his mouth shut if someone asked him about them.
He wondered what stage 4 was as he head the boss talking about how stage 4 was the last step before he was ready. Now that he thought about it he had never found the name of the man he was working for he was just called the man.
"Hmm" Peter thought by then he heard the dangling of keys again and sat up.
The guard he had been with since the beginning stood in the doorway. Peter got up and the guard moved to the side letting him through then followed him to the main room.
The man was sat behind a desk looking at some papers. He saw Peter come in and put them away then grabbed a file. He handed it to Peter who opened it and looked inside. What he saw was a picture of a rugged old man and information about him.
"What this?" He asked.
"That is your target" the man spoke.
Peter looked at him and saw he was being serious.
"We want you to kill him and complete your training" the spoke placing his elbows on his desk.
"Okay when do I go" Peter didn't even think of questioning or disobeying orders he had learnt that the hard way and now that thought didn't even enter his brain.
"It starts now. We want him dead in 24 hours so you better leave" he ordered.
"Of course sir" Peter walked out the room.
After he had left the man looked over to the guard "follow him. If he tries to flee or run away I want you to capture him and bring him back do you understand?"
"Yes sir" the guard walked out of the room.

A few hours later
Peter was stood outside what was said to be his targets house. It was huge with three floors and from what Peter could see a massive pool. Peter got straight to work. He looked around to see if anyone was nearby then picked the lock into the man's house. He knew the man wasn't in as there were no cars on the 4 car driveway so Peter hid in his house and waited for the man to come home.

4 hours later
Peter was getting a bit bored when he heard a car pull up on the driveway. He sneaked a look out the window and saw his target exiting the car. Peter quickly double checked his equipment making sure the silencer on the gun was connected properly then hid. The target got his keys and unlocked the door which Peter had re-locked. He entered and went straight into the kitchen where he placed his stuff on the counter. Peter crept up from the other room and stood in the doorway. The target was in the fridge getting himself something then closed the door and didn't even have time to react. Peter pulled the trigger and it hit him straight between the eyes. He dropped the milk he had in his hand which fell to the ground a splashed everywhere then he followed. Peter didn't spend anymore time there than he had to. After the job was done he just walked away leaving the carnage behind.

A long while later Peter ended up back at the Hydra base. He went straight to the man's office and knocked on the door.
"Come in" a voice said.
Peter walked in to see the man laying back on his chair with a smile on his face.
"You did a great job" he smirked.
"How did you know I had completed the mission" Peter questioned.
"As it was your first mission I had you followed as a precaution and you performed even better than I had hoped" the man looked delighted.
Peter didn't say anything he just nodded.
"Well Shadow you have finished your training and now you can go onto the bigger stuff. Let's make you the best weapon we have ever had" the man bowed his head and Peter turned around and left the room closing the door behind him.

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