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The next morning
The mum sat next to Peter who was sat on the bed leaning on a pillow against the wall.
"Peter I need to tell you something" the mum put her hand on Peter shoulder as he looked up at her.
"What is it" Peter asked silently.
"As you know your father died and I faked my death but what you didn't know was that if I hadn't both me and your father would be dead. You see we get offers from interested parties and if the moneys good enough we do it. Most of them are unknown people and after the job we're don't really care about them but we found out after the job that the Avengers had paid us to do it" she began reminiscing about the past.
"What did they pay you to do?" Peter didn't sound convinced.
"They wanted someone of special talents dead (bomb making/mass murder) but that person always managed to slip from their grip so they decided instead that they wanted us to bomb the building he was in which would kill him but would also have quite a bit of....collateral damage" she said creating a mental picture for Peter.
"No no they wouldn't they are hero's, good people" Peter said confusion shown on his features.
"It's true Peter you need to believe me" she said soothingly while lying "they don't care about people they just want the publicity. We may not be the most innocent bunch but we only kill bad people to make the world a better place".
"I-I-I" Peter couldn't get the words out.
"It's okay just think about it" She stood up and left the room heading straight to the man's study. She burst into the room without knocking.
"Good morning to you" he said sipping a cup of tea.
"It isn't working quick enough" she said annoyed.
"It's not a straight done thing" he said.
"Urgh" she groaned.
"Up the dosage, it will make it bit more groggy and tired but it will work faster" he said.
The mum then left the room without closing the door and walked straight back to Peters room.
She walked in and up to the drug bag and began fiddling with some of the parts.
"What are you doing?" Peter asked.
"You head is getting better so I'm going to start leaning you off the pain meds but you may feel more groggy and tired for a while" she lied through her teeth.
"Oh okay" Peter said oblivious to the plan at work.

At the Avengers tower
Tony woke up with a jolt. How long had he slept in? He checked his alarm. He had slept in the whole afternoon and night. It was now late morning. Tony jumped from his bed and had a quick shower getting into a new outfit of clothing the speed walked down the corridor and down the elevator to the main room with everyone.
"So what did you find" Tony asked impatiently.
Everyone looked around not saying anything most likely wondering who would tell him first.
"What what is it" Tony looked at Steve.
"There's nothing to tell Tony. We haven't been able to find anything" Steve explained looking down.
"What do mean there's nothing" Tony said eerily calm "there has to be something there's no way they just disappeared without a trace".
"Tony we will keep trying but the trails gone cold" Nat said eating a snack bar.
"No" Tony sounded broken.
"How about we go finish the weapon we are upgrading so when we find Peter we'll be ready" Bruce said trying to lighten the mood and led Tony out of the room towards the labs.
"I'm going to put out Peters photo to the police and see if anyone has seen him and get their help on this" Steve said to the team trying to use the iPad but failing.
Wanda walked out and took the iPad out of Steve's hand.
"How about I do that" Wanda said and Steve didn't resist.

Back with Peter
"How are you feeling?" The mum said reading a book to Peter. Since she had upped his meds it was even harder for him to concentrate for long periods of time so the mum decided to read a book to him. This may seem childish but this gave the mum the perfect opportunity to get closer to Peter and earn his trust completely. This also meant that she could continue feeding the idea about the avengers "assassination with collateral damage" in his head again and again and again until he believed it.
She read him the entire book to the point where Pete looked as if he was about to fall asleep.
"This is the drugs talking. Why don't you have a little nap" the mum closed the book and placed it on the drawers watching Peter close his eyes and his breaths go in and out.
"If this keeps going the way we hope it will, he will be ready soon" the man walked into the room a few meters away.
"I don't fail my missions" she said turning towards him "I never fail".

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