Hidden away

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A day or so later
Peter slowly woke up feeling weirdly relaxed. He looked around to see he was in small wooden room with a door, a chair, a set of drawers, a small brown teddy bear and a singular window. Peter looked out of it. It's was quite beautiful. He was in the countryside and the grass was a beautiful green with birds flying past. A place of familiarity. Peter looked out for a while but didn't want to move he just wanted to sleep. He looked back at the teddy.

"Peter breakfast is ready" mum shouted up the stairs.
"I'll be there in a moment" young Peter shouted back.
The grabbed his jacket and put it on then made his bed placing his little brown teddy bear inside. Peter then ran down the stairs and grabbed his bowl of cereal which had already been made and began eating.
"Well aren't you hungry?" Peter looked up to see the mum stood in the doorway smiling. Peter smiled back.

"Your finally awake" Peter snapped out the flashback and the mum was stood in the doorway smiling just like all those years ago.
"Where am I?" Peter tired to stand up but felt a sharp pain in his arm.
"Argh" Peter looked down at his arm to find a sharp needle in his arm connected to a see thru plastic bag full of a colourless liquid.
"What's this?" Peter went to pull it out but the mum grabbed his arm softly and held it away from the needle.
"You can't take this out it's for your pain" the mum sat down next to Peter and let go of his hand.
"Why, I don't like it, I want it out" Peter tried again to take it out but the mum put her hand to Peters face turning him to look at her.
"Just before we left the compound you fell and hit your head, this is to help with your pain. Do you remember anything that happened?" She asked sweetly.
Peter thought back but his mind was a blur a mess.
"I heard a guard say something, I can't remember what and then nothing. Why-why can't I remember" Peter looked confused.
"You hit your head really hard" She said stroking his hair.
Peter had no idea why he was being so open. He had been so upset with this woman for abandoning him and couldn't trust her but now he was talking freely.
"You hit your head" the mum repeated again as drops from the drugs came down the tube and into Peters arm.
"Yeah I hit my head" Peter agrees nodding uncertainly.

At the Avengers Tower
"So I checked the security cameras and I'm going through every security camera in the area to see if any of them caught the van on tape" Tony's bloodshot eyes swiped through the tablet not lifting his head even when he took a sip of caffeine.
"Tony you need to go to sleep" Strange looked worried.
"No, I'll go to sleep when I've found Peter" Tony shot back.
"Tony you've been up for over 24 hours. You need some rest" Steve said on the other side of the room.
"No" Tony stated.
"Tony.." Nat began.
"NO, I LOST HIM ONCE AND THEN LOST HIM AGAIN" Tony's tiredness exploded into full out fury.
Strange walked up and grabbed the tablet away from him making Tony stare at him.
"Give.....that.....back" Tony said eerily calm.
"No you need sleep and if you won't take care of yourself I sure as hell will" Strange stated being a protective partner.
"What Strange is trying to say is that you go to sleep and the rest of us will try to find Peter through anyway we can" Wanda said.
"Come in let's get you to bed" Strange held Tony and guided him to their bedroom. Strange placed him in the bed in his clothes and put the covers over him but Tony was in a frenzy.
"We were so close. I saw him. I watched as that guard took away and did nothing" Tony's bloodshot eyes pooled with tears.
"Tony you did nothing wrong. You did everything you could and we will find him again and again and again if we have to but I will bring our son home" Strange looked down at Tony.
"Our son" Tony whispered and his eyes closed, drifting into a unwanted slumber.

Back with Peter
Peter had been given a bunch of books to read in the room but he was struggling to concentrate on the words. They kept blurring up or floating around the page so after a while he gave up. He was just sitting there with his thoughts. Multiple times he thought of trying to run and escape but his head wasn't in it. He felt weak, vulnerable, a child.
The mum then walked into the room and stood in the doorway.
"Do you want something eat?" She asked.
"Can I go get it myself?" He said sitting up.
"No the pain medication is quite potent and getting up could make you dizzy, and you don't want to leave the room do you?" The mum said kindly as if talking to a toddler.
Peter thought for a moment and her words rattled around in his head but finally came to a conclusion.
"I'll have a sandwich" Peter said laying back down.
"Okay" the mum smiled and left the room shutting the door.

"So" the man asked.
"That drug really is something, I could see it in his eyes. He listened and agreed with everything I said" she looked impressed.
"Don't get cocky, he needs to be dosed long enough so we can edge our way into his brain and get him on our side" the man spoke.
"He cares so much for those Avengers though, how do we get him to turn on them" she asked.
"Well you said it yourself, he believed everything you told him and if you tell him the same thing long enough he will begin to believe it" he answered.
"Good idea, I'll get to it as soon as possible".

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