The competiton

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4 years later
"So have you found anything yet" Tony stood at  the table covered in papers and documents.
"There's nothing here we have been searching for hours" Nat spoke throwing some papers into an empty brown cardboard box.
"He's been off the grid for months there's nothing to be found" Bruce looked up from his laptop.
"Finding Shadow is our top priority, we need to keep trying" Tony rubbed his forehead.
"We can't find someone who doesn't want to be found, especially when they are with Hydra" Steve highlighted sat on a chair.
"Ugh" Tony complained then his face lit up and he turned towards Bucky. "You were in Hydra did you ever see this shadow guy?"
"No I was mainly in my cell and only really left when Hydra had a task for me" Bucky started "I also don't remember everything back when I was the winter soldier".
Tony looked annoyed and everyone saw this but he changed the topic. "Since we cannot find this person I'm going out my focus on my competition".
"Competition" Clint asked confused.
"Come on Clint don't you pay any attention at all" Tony looked at him with his eyebrow raised.
Clint didn't say anything just stared at Tony.
"I've set up a competition where the person who can answer the most correct questions from this test sheet I've created will become my new intern."
"So what they collect a sheet from the building and hand it back in" Wanda asked next to Vision.
"No I will go into the local schools and the people who want to take part come into an empty room and take a sheet then sit down and complete it. They get 30 mins to finish" Tony looked proud of himself.
"Well when does this competition begin" Thor asked.
"On Wednesday, two days from now" Tony looked at his watch then left the room.

Back at Hydra
Peter was training. He was up against 4 trained men. He stood in the middle of them and waiting for them to make the first move. One lunged at him. He blocked it with one hand then punched him in the face. He felt a tingling sensation and ducked. Another man had tried to get him from behind. He bend down and swerved with his leg out knocking the man down then used him as a spring pad to lock his legs around the third man's neck pulling him onto the floor. The fourth man saw this as an opportunity and ran towards him but Peter used his web fluid to propel him up to the ceiling and kicked the man in the face knocking him down. Within 60 seconds he had defeated 4 highly trained men. Peter was about to start with the punching bag when a guard came into the room.
"Hey Shadow Boss wants ya" the guard spoke then left the room.
Peter picked up his jacket and walked out the room and down the corridor. It was always the same corridor littered with cells. Each one had now been empty for a year. Before he would walk down regularly and see a man sat in one of the cells which he had found out was called the winter soldier but a year ago he just disappeared and Peter hadn't seen him since. He got to the door and knocked them entered. The man was sat writing something down on a document. He saw Peter come in and offered him a chair.
"Straight to the point Shadow we have a very important mission for you" the man stated "Tony Stark has just announced a competition and the winner will become his intern. You need to win and then we can get you on the inside where you need to get there data on their weaknesses and there defence. You will go undercover at midtown high school and will live at the orphanage 30 mins away. Here is your cover story."
Peter took the file and looked inside. Luckily the cover story was not too different from his. He still went by his original name Peter Parker and his parents were killed in a shootout between a criminal and the police. He has been bouncing back and forth between different orphanages and foster homes for years and has been sent to Sunnyfield orphanage where he will now be staying.
"How long do I have for this mission" Peter asked looking up from the file.
"As long as you need, this is a very important mission." The man said leaning back on his chair. "Let's get you prepped and ready to go".

The next while was spent with Peter memorising his cover story and his targets. The hardest part was if he managed to make it into Stark tower he would need to earn his trust and find when the data files are kept in the tower.

A day later
Peter got out of the yellow taxi outside the orphanage. He thanked the driver then walked up to the door, opened it and stepped inside. The interior looked fairly old and worn. The steps were scraped and muddy with the floors not any better.
"Ah you must be Peter" a nice looking woman walked out of the kitchen. She shakes his hand with a permanent smile on here face.
"I hear you have just come from Rockfell orphanage correct" she asked.
"Yes the place was getting full up so they transferred me here" Peter put on a quick smile.
"Perfect let me show you around" she gestured for Peter to follow her.
Peter spent the next 20 mins being shown around all the different rooms in the orphanage. The last room they came to was his bedroom. They entered a small room with two desks and a set of bunk beds.
"One of the kids here just moved so for the moment you will be staying in here alone but if another child comes here you may have to share" she stated looking at Peter.
"Okay" Peter said placing his stuff on the top bunk.
"If you need anything just come find me okay" she said and left the room.
Peter sighed and went through his bag to find the Tony Stark file. He sat on the bed and began going over it once again.
"Tomorrow will decide everything" Peter thought as he laid down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling "let's get this show started" he smiled.

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