So close but yet so far

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"METAL ARM YOU IDIOT YOU TRIPPED THE ALARM" Tony yelled running down the corridor with everyone.
"How was I meant to know it would trip the alarm" Bucky said running behind Tony.
"You pulled the door off its hinges" Sam said next to Bucky.
"Sorry" Bucky said not meaning it.
"Well know that the entire compound is alerted at your presence we need to find Peter NOW" Bruce said into the comms.
The team ran through the corridors and came to a squad of guards.
"They're here" one guard yelled and all began firing at the team. Most of them hid behind the wall but Strange and Steve used their magic and shield to stop the bullets. While they did that Wanda and Pietro used their 'sibling powers' and double teamed them knocking them all out cold.
"That was quick" Nat said coming out from behind the wall.
"Let's hope quick enough" Tony set off down the corridor and over the guards.

Peter stumbled along down the corridor against the wall. His vision was clear and then a second later blurry. He was unable to concentrate and had no idea where he was going. The only thought in his mind were the Avengers. They were here he wanted no needed to find them.
He stopped at the end of the corridor looking down the new one turning on his left. He leaned on the wall and stopped moving. His head was spinning.
He heard some loud noises and squinted his eyes to try and see what it was. He saw some moving blobs in black who were moving closer to him but then one fell to the floor. Then a loud rip of bullets came to Peters ears and his head got worse. He placed his right hand on his head.
"Peter. Peter. Peter." He kept hearing his name and his vision cleared for a moment.
He saw the last guard fall to the floor and the avengers turn the corner running towards him.
Peter tried to walk towards them but he couldn't stand properly without clinging to the wall so he waited for them to come but then they stopped cold.
A rain of bullets came from behind him putting up the avengers defences. Peters vision went again turning the avengers into a range of colours and blobs. He tried to move towards them again but was held back by a pair of hands dragging him backwards. Unable to resist he was pulled into the arms of none other than his 'mum'.
"Peter you shouldn't run off when we are being attacked you could get hurt" she cradled him in her arms giving him a quick kiss on the forehead.
"My friends" Peter murmured looking over at the blobs that were the Avengers.
"Friends? These aren't your friends these are intruders here to hurt you" she spoke softly and Peter faded further into her embrace.
"Take him to the van" she spoke to one of the men holding a gun who let it drop below his waist and took Peter from her arms.
"Stop. Wait a moment" Peter whispered barely functioning.
"PETER" Tony yelled but the boy didn't turn to return his gaze as he was taken around the corner and disappeared.
"Peter" Tony took at step forwards and bullets came flying at his feet.
"No no no Iron Man you don't want to do that" the mum went from caring and loving around Peter to hard and cold.
"Who the hell are you give me back my son" Tony was upset being so close but yet so far from Peter.
"You son" she laughed.
"The papers were being signed before you bastards took him away" Tony explained.
Bruce was looking through the camera in Tony suit when something looked off about the woman.
"He's not your son" the mum said smirking.
"Yes he-" Tony began but was interrupted.
"He's mine" the woman raised her eyebrow smiling.
"That's not possible, Peters parents are dead" Vision said.
"Anything's possible" the mum was enjoying this.
"Jarvis get me a photo of Peter Parker's mother" Tony spoke and a photo of the mums autotopsy showed up. The woman did indeed look exactly like the woman in the photo.
"It is her" Tony said distressed.
Bruce was watching everything and zoomed in on the woman's face looking at her features.
"Guys" Bruce spoke through the comms.
"What is it Bruce we are kinda busy?" Sam said.
"I don't think that is Peters mum" Bruce said conflicted.
"What?" Wanda asked confused.
"I've seen a lot of procedures in my time and I can tell if someone has had extreme plastic surgery in the last few weeks. You can see at the bottom of her neck if you look close enough the scars which still haven't faded" Bruce gave a short explanation.
"Your a fake" Strange stepped up next to Tony.
"No" the mum said tilting her head.
"We can see the scars you bitch" Nat said almost shouting.
The mum rolled her eyes "yeah well the scars won't fade immediately".
"IM GOING TO KILL YOU IF YOU HURT HIM AGAIN" Bucky yelled out of character letting his soft side show. "YOU HAVE DONE THINGS TO TOO MANY PEOPLE".
"Bucky" Steve put his hand on his shoulder to help his calm down.
"Now this was fun and all but I need to go" the woman taunted them.
"Kill them" she said and walked away.

The guards opened fire but the Avengers were ready. Steve flung his shield hitting multiple guards and while they were stunned Nat and Vision ran towards them and gave them the biggest pain of their lives.

While they were fighting Tony ran between them with Strange following and ran all the way down the corridor and towards the exit.
He flung the doors open and ran outside. There was no one there, only the tire skid marks. Tony looked in the distance to see a black van going over a hill and disappear.
"DAMN IT WE WERE SO CLOSE" Tony fell to his knees and in a long while he felt entirely useless and powerless.
"Tony" Strange got down on his knees next to him and embraced him in a hug. He held Tony in one arm and held his head with the other.
The rest of the team ran out to see the two men on the floor.
"I COULDN'T SAVE HIM" Tony screamed.
The teams faces were shocked and hurt feeling the horrors Tony must also feel.
"We will get him back Tony. None of us will stop until we can bring him home." Strange said taking one last look at direction of the tyre tracks.
"The Queen jets waiting we need to go" Clint said.
Tony was snapped back into reality. The mission had failed. Peter was gone.

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