His first kill again

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Once again dejavu hit Peter like a truck. He was shown down the corridor and passed the cells stopping when he reached a door. The guard pushed him inside and Peter looked around. The man stood by the wall leaning on it and a lone woman sat tied to a chair in the middle.
"You remember this right Shadow. The scene is set exactly like when you made your first kill. Well except the hood on her head." The man smiled.
"Why did you bring me back here?" Peter asked cowering into himself.
"Well you see this woman" the man walked over to her and round the chair stroking his hand around her neck as she flinched scared "let's say she's a piece of bargaining".
The man smiled and and grabbed the bottom of the hood.
"You see Shadow we controlled you from the chip as you can see but we also had a backup plan you know in case somehow you went rogue. We needed something...someone to keep you here, doing what we want" the man said and pulled the hood off her head.

With the Avengers
"Park the queen jet here we can't have them seeing us" Tony said to Steve in the cockpit.
"Okay" Steve said concentrating and landing the jet roughly on the ground. The queen jet made a shutter noise when it landed.
"I thought you knew how to land one of these" Tony said.
"We are surrounded by trees on uneven ground what do you expect a perfect landing" Steve said turning the chair around.
"I bet even Thor could land it better and he can't even drive" Tony stated.
Steve was going to say something when Strange got in the way. "Right everyone I'll create a portal and get us as close as I can without anyone noticing".
"Can't you just portal us inside?" Clint asked.
"No I checked their defence system they have alarms if anything without authorisation is used including magic" Strange said creating a portal.
Everyone walked through and then Strange closed the portal. They peeked out from behind the trees to see two security cameras by the front gate and two armed men out front.
"Right now we are here what are we goi my to do. We know Peter is somewhere in there but where." Clint asked.
"Well Sam I want you to send red wing in the air and go to the camera on the same angle so you can video it and then I put it on loop on their cameras so they won't realise but it will only last at max 15 minutes" Tony said and Sam quickly got red wing in the air and into position.
"And........done" Tony said "now we just need to take out the".
Bucky and Steve ran straight at the gate and knocked the two men out cold.
"Done" Bucky put his thumbs up.
"Well that's one way to do it" Wanda said.
The team ran in through the the gates and came to the door with a 4 digit passcode.
"Speedwiz" Tony said.
Pietro rushed forward and began typing all passcodes into the key until he got the correct one then opened the door letting everyone inside them shutting it.
Tony took his head mask off.
"We are in but we still don't know where Peter is" Vision said.
"Speedwiz I want you to rush about until you find the main security system and place this device on the power line. Don't get caught." Tony said passing Pietro a device. Pietro sped away. 30 seconds passed and to the team it felt like the longest 30 seconds in their life.
"Jeez that was not fun" Pietro appeared behind them.
"Jesus Christ" Wanda whispered putting her hand to her chest.
"Did you do it?" Tony asked.
"Yes" Pietro said "what exactly did I just do".
Nat chuckled and Tony rolled his eyes.
"You'll see. Bruce can you hear us." Tony spoke into the comms.
Bruce had remained on the queen jet as the hulk would not be very useful in this situation.
"Loud and clear" Bruce replied.
"Perfect I want you to hack into the security system through the device Speedwiz here delivered and check the security cameras around the building to see if you can find Peter" Tony ordered.
"Okay doing that now I should have the feed in a few minutes so you will just have to wait until then" Bruce said.
"I sure hope Peters okay" Nat said.
"All we can do is pray but if all goes well we should have him back soon and we can all go home" Steve said.
The team all took a few deep breaths and then Bruce came back into the comms.
"I'm in" Bruce spoke.
"Great do you see anything?" Steve asked.
"Erm he's not in the west wing.....or the east wing.....or the south wing. There found him." Bruce yelled a bit too loudly hurting the teams ears.
"Where, where is he?" Wanda asked.
"He's at the very back of the north wing. According to the cameras about 10 minutes ago he entered a room. Nobody has left the room yet" Bruce said.
"Well you heard the man let's go get our boy back" Tony said putting his mask back on.
"You go beat those sons of bitches" Bruce said from the comms just before the team got moving again.

Back with Peter
The man removed the hood to reveal a young woman around the age of 16 just like Peter.
"You probably wondering what I meant by she could be a bargaining chip" the man said looking happy.
Peter didn't say anything.
"Let's just say she is part of the show" the man stepped away and back to the wall. The guard pushed Peter away from the door at closer to the man. Peter was confused. He looked at the young woman who's eyes were pleading for Peter to let her go and tear marks stained her cheeks being swallowed up by the gag tied tightly around her mouth.
"Why have you taken her away from her family" Peter spoke worried for her health.
"He parents are dead. We killed them and we only kept her alive so you could see the show" he laughed.
"What" Peter stuttered.
Suddenly the door slammed wide open and hit the wall with a bang. Someone wearing all black and a jacket covering their face walked in with a gun and shot the woman at point blanc range at the forehead. The woman's head ripped back and blood splattered the floor and some onto Peter face. He put his hand to his face and wiped his cheek then looked at his fingers which now had smudges of blood on them.
"So I'm finally allowed to tell him" they spoke.
"Yes" the man said.
Peter recognised the voice. He didn't know how but he definitely recognised the voice.
The person removed their hood so Peter could get a proper look at their face. They turned to face Peter and his face went from scared to angry to pain very quickly.
"Hello Peter" they spoke sympathetically.
"Mum" a singular tear fell from his cheek.

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