Operations hurt

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Peter was bored with nothing to do in the cell. He just laid on the bench looking up at the ceiling when he heard a door open. Tony and Steve walked in.
"Ah finally I thought I'd have to wait forever" Peter said smirking.
"Peter this isn't you, there's a chip in the back of your neck telling you to do these things. This is how Hydra is controlling you." Tony said.
"I think I know my own mind thank you very much" Peter said tilting his head.
"That's what Bucky thought as well. He would attack us because that is what he was told to do. He wasn't in control of his own mind." Steve said.
Peter just smiled clearly not listening to a thing they were both saying.
Tony sighed "Kid we will help you".
Steve nodded at the camera.
Peter saw this "what are you doing?".
Gas started to stream into Peters cell. "Hey stop this. Let me out". Peter stood up and banged on the cell at the 2 men. He began coughing.
"Hydra will stop you. We will destroy you." Peter said and fell to the floor. His eyes began getting droopy and he was struggling to stay awake. He took one last look at the men looking at him before his vision went black.

At the lab
Somehow the team had managed to turn a deadly lab into a sterile environment for a surgery.
"Well look at that we have a doctor, a scientist and a helper. Everything you need for a high risk surgery" Bucky said amused clasping his hands before pointing at Stephen then Bruce and lastly Clint.
Steve elbowed him in his side.
"Ow" Bucky said staring at Steve.
"This isn't the time" Steve said dominating Bucky.
Bucky raised his hands in defence but said nothing more.
Stephen slapped on some gloves and put a mask over his face looking down at the unconscious boy lying on his front.
"I'm going to make an incision on the back of his neck as small as I can. Since we can't get an exact location on where the chip is in his neck we need to be careful so once I'm doing this don't distract me. We also have no idea if some sort of defence mechanism will kick in when we try to remove the chip so be careful" Stephen said to everyone with a look of authority. Everyone nodded.

Strange began the surgery taking a scalpel and cutting the back of his neck. Peter was highly medicated so he didn't move. Stephen took his two fingers and opened up the cut to see if he could find the chip. A few minutes passed and everyone was tense.
"I've found the chip" Strange said using a lens to get a closer look. He grabbed a pair of pincers and reached down towards the chip making contact. He began lifting the chip up when it began to vibrate. Peters body began convulsing  as if he was having a seizure so Strange automatically dropped the chip. Peters body stopped moving and he went back to his deep slumber.
"I think you found its defence mechanism" Thor said stating the obvious.
"I think so" Strange said clearly wondering on how he was now going to get the chip out.
"Right, Steve, Bucky, Thor and Bruce I want each of you to hold one of his limbs and Wanda I want you to hold down his head. He can't move even the slightest bit when I take the chip out or it could damage his systems" Strange hinted for everyone to take their positions.
"Ready" he said. Everyone nodded.
Strange went back into Peters neck and reengaged with the chip. He began to pull it out and Peters body began convulsing again but everyone pressed down making sure his limbs could move. As Strange was getting closer to removing the chip it got worse for Peter until he actually woke up on the table. He began moving around.
"HOLD HIM DOWN" Strange yelled.
Peter was trying to get it to stop but the others were not letting him budge. He didn't want to get away from them he just wanted the pain to stop. It was all around him body as if burning him alive and the more Strange tugged the worse it got.
"AAARRRGGGHHHH" Peter yelled unable to keep it in.
"STOP. MAKE IT STOP" Peter began screaming tears running down his cheeks dropping onto the floor.
Nat and Clint watched everything unfold and could see how much pain the kid was in. Nat ran up to him despite her broken arm and what he had just done to her.
"Hey Pete look at me, look at me" Nat leaned down so Peter could see her with his face pressed against the table by Wanda. "Your going to be okay, the pain is going to go away soon okay so hold on for me alright" Nat smiled trying to reassure Peter.
Peter could see her vaguely with his tears making his vision blurry and despite the pain he was in he managed to get a few words out.
"Am I a monster?".
Nat felt tears welling up in her own eyes. This poor kid. The things he must of seen and be forced to do. She saw the fear in the kids eyes before they closed and tears stopped forming.

"I got it" Strange said holding up the microchip. Those around the table sighed in relief as they removed their hands and let the kid be free.
"Will he be okay now?" Wanda asked at Strange.
"If the chip was controlling him then he should no longer be under Hydras control however I have no idea what his past will affect him mentally" Strange explained putting his gloves in the bin.
Wanda nodded then stepped back from the table. Everyone was leaving when Steve turned around to see Nat had barely moved.
"Nat are you alright?" Steve asked concerned.
"Bucky told us a bit of what happened to him at Hydra so what if this kid went through the same things" Nat turned around to face Steve.
"Nat..." Steve walked up to her and embraced her in a hug. They stayed like this for a good few moments when they heard Bucky.
"This is very heartwarming you guys but would you mind moving so I can get this kid to a bedroom" Bucky said raising an eyebrow.
They both stepped out the way and watched Bucky carry Peter down the hallway with Tony following behind.

Tony watched as Bucky put the kid in the bed and place the covers over him.
"Can I have a minute?" Tony said. Bucky nodded and quietly left the room leaving only Tony and Peter inside.
Tony sat down beside Peter and looked at him. He looked terrible. All the colour had drained from his face and red marks dotted about his face from the tears. His breaths were loud and heavy with exhaustion upon his features. Tony strokes the kids forehead wondering if he could  of done anything better for him but knew what they had done was the right choice.
"I'm here for you kid don't worry" Tony said knowing that the boy would be unable to hear him.

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