You can't always fix whats broken

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Peter felt groggy. His head pounded and a dull aching came from the back of his neck however his mind had been clearer that it ever had. It was almost as if he could think for himself.
He slowly opened his eyes adjusting to the light in the room. He sat up and looked around. He was sat in a king sized bed with silk sheets and windows were plastering in front of him giving him a full view of the New York skyline. Peter swung his legs over the bed and put him head in his hands. The dull pounding in his head was really annoying but his mind felt clear and for a few seconds but then bits and pieces of fights, blood, death and the Avengers popped into his mind. His eyes widened as he recalled the broken shards of his memory.
His thoughts were broken when he heard someone opening the door to his room. His reflexes took action and as the door began to open his shot a piece of webbing at the side of it and the door stopped moving. Everything went silent again.
"Peter" someone said putting there hand on the edge of the door so Peter could see it.

This gave Peter a horrible flashback~He sat in his cell watching the door pry open and light flood the room. A blood ridden hand laid on the side of the door as it opened revealing a middle aged man holding a long knife. His face had a disfigured smirk and was littered with what looked like burn marks.
"Are you ready for the time of your life" the man said walking closer and closer to Peter blocking the light from his view until his shadow leaned over him.

"GET OUT. GET OUT" Peter yelled moving back.
"Peter it's me it's Tony" the voice said calmly against the door "I'm not going to hurt you".
Tony stood for a few moments unsure of what to do. He remained outside the room leaning on the door but not coming in and was going to go get the others when he heard a crash coming from the room. Without thinking he opened the door and stepped into the room to see one of the drawers next to the bed had fallen over and Peter was cowering in the corner.
"Peter" Tony sounded worried and hurried over to Peter.
"NO GET AWAY GET AWAY" Peter had his eyes tightly shut huddled with his knees to his chest.
"Peter your safe okay. Look at me, look at me" Tony tried to sound as calm and safe as possible.
Peter slowly looked up and opened his eyes to see a concerned Tony squatting down to Peters level.
"Mr Stark" Peter whispered.
"Hey kid. It's alright Hydra can't control you anymore" Tony smiled softly.
Peter sat in silence for a few moments but then tears pooled from his eyes and began apologising profusely.
"I am so sorry for what I did. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Peter began breathing heavily.
"Woah woah kid you don't need to apologise it wasn't your fault" Tony came closer to Peter and becomes him into a hug. Peter allowed him to do this and place his head on Tony chest.
"But it was my fault I did it with my own hands" Peter started shaking.
"No Kid you did nothing wrong" Tony began rubbing Peters back and stroking Peters hair until he had calm down.

Peter recoiled from the hug and his eyes were red from crying. Tony stood up and offered Peter his hand which Peter took and stood up with him.
"I expect your head and neck hurts" Tony said changing the subject and getting Peters mind off of it.
"Just some aches" Peter said quietly.
"Come on let's get you to the lab so we can get you some tablets for the pain and to examine you okay" Tony asked.
"Okay" Peter gave a slight smile.

Tony lead Peter back to the lab and when Peter walked in he saw Nat sat on the table with Clint helping her put her arm in a sling. Tony began walking into the lab but Peter stopped cold. Tony noticed Peter was no longer next to him and turned around to look at him but saw he was focused on Nat and her arm. Nat and Clint turned their heads to see Peter in the doorway.
"Peter your okay" Nat smiled at him getting off the table.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to I..I..." Peter started loosing his words.
"Pete it's alright I know this wasn't your fault" Nat looked reassuring at him.
"Come on none us harbour any bad feelings towards you" Clint said offering him inside.
Peter walked in and followed the instructions of Bruce who grabbed a scanning device and drove it up, down and side to side from Peters neck until the light went from blue to Green.
"Well from the looks of it the chip didn't damage anything and the scar should heal up nicely. You will just ache for a few days to a week" Bruce said.
"Thanks" Peter said offering nothing more.
Bruce exchanged a worried glance with Tony. Nat saw this and decided to prompt a change.
"Pete your probably hungry right?" Nat asked. Peter nodded.
"Well it's about lunchtime now so why don't you come have lunch with us" Clint said.
Everyone in the room looked towards Peter and he was about to say something but his stomach said it for him. His stomach made a hunger noise and a short laughter filled the room. Even Peter cracked a genuine smile.

Peter followed them all into the main room where the other members of the team were already sat at the table eating through their lunch containing carrots, broccoli, potatoes, chicken and sausages. It looked a lot like a leftover lunch.
Nobody noticed them come in until Nat, Clint and Bruce sat down at the the table.
"Hey guys" Thor said not taking his eyes off the carrots.
"Peter" Strange said from the other end of the table.
Everyone stopped eating and looked towards Peter. Peter put his head down and inside he began freaking out until Tony put his hand on his shoulder. Peter looked up at Tony to see him nodding as a reassurance.
Peter took a deep breath and followed Tony taking a seat next to him.
"Pass the chicken" Tony said breaking the silence and everyone got back to eating.

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