They were meant to be dead

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"I'm so sorry Pete" the mum walked over to Peter.
"No, what trick is this" Peter moved backwards until he hit the wall unable to go any further.
"Peter" she said.
"GET AWAY" Peter yelled.
"Peter do you remember on your 10th birthday when we asked you if you wanted a pool party with your friends but you wanted to spend all day collecting samples for your new microscope you got" she spoke.
Peter stopped yelling and looked up at her.
"Your lying, I watched you die. You-you held my hand as you passed away" tears began pooling in Peters eyes.
"Peter they shot me with a blank. I used a blood pouch to make it look real" she explained.
"Why-why" Peter could barely form the words.
"I've worked with Hydra for years. The Avengers killed my parents in one of their stupid fights, I wasn't going to let anything happen to you so I got Hydra to fake my death and train you" she explained.
"We could have just gone away me, you and dad" Peter was angry "YOU LET YOUR OWN HUSBAND DIE, THE MAN YOU LOVED".
"Peter I'm going to step outside with the man okay and I'll come back in a minute so you can calm down" the mum and the man left the room and closed the door.

"Well that was something" the man said looking at her.
"He wasn't going to be all happy and rainbows now was he?" She spoke.
"It might take a while but you need to earn his trust, make him think you are his mum and get him to join us willingly. Family always wins" the man said.
"I will complete this mission. I didn't spend 34 hours getting plastic surgery to look like his mum just to fail" she looked annoyed at the boss's lack of faith in her.
"Just earn his trust then we can make him turn on the Avengers easily". The man said reopening the door and letting her back inside.
"Leave us" the fake mum said to the guard who promptly left and shut the door leaving only Peter and her inside (and a dead body).

"Peter I'm sorry I wanted to tell you but I couldn't. It could of put you in danger" she sounded really sympathetic.
"So instead you decided to turn your son into a killer" Peter fired back words at her.
"Peter I am so sorry. I was stationed on the other side of the world to avoid us meeting. I didn't know how much they were doing to you" the fake mum said and began crying. A few tears fell down her cheeks.
Peter didn't know what to do his mind was a mess. His mum worked for Hydra? No she was such as warm person she could never do this. Peter was so caught up in his own mind that he didn't realise the fake mum and come over to him and looked down at him.
"Pete will you ever forgive me" she stroked a piece of hair from Peters face out of the way of his eyes.
Peter looked up and into her eyes. They looked hurt and they looked exactly like his mums a beautiful piercing blue.
Peter didn't have time to say anything before a siren began blaring all around them.
The mum looked towards the door and the man came in.
"We have a breach, you and Shadow need to get out now" the man ordered.
"Peter we need to go will you come with me" she asked in a mothering voice. She reached her hand out. Peter slowly took it hesitantly and walked closer to her. She pulled him into a hug. Peter didn't resist but didn't hug her back either.
Suddenly a man ran in with a large cut on his forehead holding a machine gun.
"It's the Avengers" he yelled.
Peters eyes widened hearing this and he tried to get out of her grip but she held him in. He continued to try and escape her grip but she wasn't budging.
Peter felt a sharp pinch in his neck. He began to feel a bit drowsy. The mum let go of Peter and out of the hug. Peter looked up at her and she came beside him and held onto him pushing him forward. Peter heard something smash on the floor but was too drowsy to focus properly. The mum had dropped an empty glass syringe.
She led Peter out the room holding on to him. Without her Peter would have crashed into the wall. They had drugged him just enough to make him compliant but not unconscious. They got to the end of the corridor to a section that follows many different routes. The mum laid Peter onto the wall and turned to the man.
"This was not part of the plan" she was clearly pissed.
"Calm down. The drug you dosed him with makes him very......malleable. If we can get him away and continue giving him this a little every few hours he can be easily manipulated" the man explained.
"Hmph" she avoided his eye contact.
"Boss, miss, the vehicle has been prepared" a small guard walked up to them.
"Perfect let's go" she turned around to get Peter but he wasn't there.
"Where's he gone?" She turned to look at the guard "did you see him?".
"I think I saw him heading that way" the man pointed behind her.
"And you didn't say anything. Pathetic." She grabbed her gun from her waist and shot the man point blanc in the head. He fell to the floor and she put her gun back in the holster.
"You head to the van. I'll find the kid" she turned around and walked away.

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