3. Sannarah

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I laughed as there was nothing else I could do. It was that ridiculous. No one joined me. Golden Boy was standing there, looking at me with this annoying I-am-an-archangel-so-I-am-the-law look on his face, while the other angels were stupefied.

I raised my chin, looking straight into those glowing golden eyes, even though they were so bright it stung. "Let me get this straight. You want me, a demon, to help you? No, I don't think so."

Golden Boy shrugged. His beautiful wings swayed elegantly with the motion, brilliant feathers glittering in the starlight. "Fine. Jail it is then." He took a step back and gestured to his companions. "You can take her away. Make sure she stays there for an extra week. I'm sure you can find something to justify it." He looked back at me with a knowing smile. "After all, she's a demon. It's not like she has any pressing work to do."

I growled. The holy bastard knew. He knew exactly how we worked, what constraints were put on us, and that I could not afford to be locked up for three weeks. And he enjoyed seeing me squirm.

Saint my ass.

The angels advanced at me, but I took a step back, carefully jumping over the deepest puddle of blood. "Wait! How do I know you won't arrest me after I help you?"

The archangel smiled and put his right hand over his heart. "I'm an angel. We do not lie, and we do not go back on our word."

"Sir! Are you certain it's wise?" Amitiel asked, looking at me with distaste. "We don't need the assistance of a demon to catch the killer."

Golden Boy gave her a side glance. "And how are you doing? I haven't seen much progress so far. Or is there any information I'm missing?"

The Angel of Courage bit her lip and looked at her feet. "No, sir."

"I thought so." He turned his golden gaze back to me. "I give you my word that you will walk free once we apprehend the perpetrator, and all your thefts and other minor offences will be pardoned. What do you say?"

I clenched my fists. I didn't have much choice, and the archangel knew it. But for some reason, he showed the courtesy of asking instead of ordering me around.

Don't let this pretty boy fool you, murmured the voice at the back of my head. He's just like the others. He'll use you, stab you in the back and leave for dead.

Not if I stab him first.

There was no way I would ever put my guard down in the presence of an angel. Those perfect little servants of the Mighty One were not to be trusted. All demons knew this. We were mortal enemies, created to oppose each other. No matter how many fancy treaties Heaven and Hell would sign, we could never be anything other than adversaries.

"Fine. But let's get this done quickly. I don't have time to play a tour guide in the slums," I finally replied.

"Excellent." The archangel nodded slightly and turned to his companions. "You can leave us. I'm taking over the case."

The younger angel wanted to protest, but Amitiel grabbed his elbow and shook her head. They saluted and, with a whisper of feathers, jumped up into the air, disappearing from view in seconds.

"Let's get to work then." Golden Boy strolled toward me.

"You can start with taking these off me." I raised my cuffed hands. My wrists were throbbing with dull pain already.

"Of course." He came close to me, far too close for my liking. But with a touch of his fingers, the golden chains turned to mist and disappeared.

Before I backed off, his big hand closed on my arm, just above the brown burns on my skin. His grip was firm but not painful. He scanned my wounds with a frown shadowing his handsome features. "I apologise for the rough treatment. They should not have shackled you with holy chains in their haste to declare you guilty."

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