4. Melkyal

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The night was still young when I followed Sannarah deeper into the slums. Surprisingly, I had almost grown used to the stench already. After the initial gag reflex when I entered the city premises, my body quickly adapted to the new environment. My shoes were already filthy with a mixture of mud and blood, and I dare not guess what else. Mortal's establishments were genuinely depressing. 

Sannarah, on the other hand, looked like she was right at home. She moved confidently through the maze of the dark alleys, her red tail swishing from side to side, providing her with a balance that gave her stride feline grace.

"Stop staring at my tail, Golden Boy," she hissed over her shoulder.

Heat rushed to my face. "I didn't...." I grunted, shaking a sudden embarrassment. "Do you know where to find the person who sent you to the crime scene?"

"Yeah, I have a pretty good idea where he should hang out at this time." As the narrow alley turned to a small street, she slowed her pace to walk at my side. "But we must be careful. If he sent me there on purpose, he'd probably try to run once he realises I'm back."

"So, who is he?" I inquired, giving her a side glance. She wore a frown, annoyed with the whole ordeal.

"A Greed Demon. They are the best information brokers in this city."

"What kind of demon are you?" The question left my mouth before I could bite my tongue. It might have sounded rude, but I had no way of telling with her power confined. And I was genuinely curious.

She turned to me with raised brows, not breaking her stride. "Guess."

"Lust Demon?"

Her snort echoed through the empty street. "Of course, you would say that. You think every demon with boobs is a Lust Demon?" she mocked.

"No, I..." It hit me how offensive that sounded, though she could use her physical charms to lure mortals to their doom. I rubbed my neck. "It's tough to tell you apart. Angels always make their position visible, so you know who you are dealing with."

"And where is fun in that? You need a little bit of chaos to make life more interesting."

I frowned, annoyed with how evasive she was. "I wouldn't call chaos fun. And you didn't answer my question."

She rolled her eyes and shrugged. "There is no need for you to know that. I'll give you some time to resolve that riddle." Sannarah grinned, showing her sharp teeth. "You're an Archangel of Justice, after all. I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually."

Unfortunately, she was right. Her demonic affinity was of no consequence to the investigation. And yet I couldn't help my curiosity. I never dealt with demons who weren't renegades–lost in their madness and beyond redemption.

But Sannarah was just like an ordinary person. Yes, she was rude and cocky, but I could quickly point out angels who acted very similar. Excluding illegal business and corrupting human souls, of course.

I gave her another glance. It was hard to guess just based on her appearance. She was too slender to be a Gluttony Demon and far too energetic for a Sloth. Based on what she told me, I could rule out Lust and Greed. So she must be Pride, Envy or Wrath Demon. I would have to observe more of her behaviour to determine which one. If I were a betting man, I would go with Pride. But I'm an angel, and we do not dabble in any gambling, so I would wait to gather more information about her before I venture my next guess.

My pondering was interrupted by the growing commotion ahead of us. After the quiet of small alleys, the sudden change was almost shocking. A crowd was gathered in front of the large warehouse that looked abandoned at first glance. However, all those mortals seemed to know better. Two huge men kept guard at the double doors and slowly admitted the queued people inside after exchanging coins.

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