16.2 Melkyal

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The streets in the slums were dark and desolate. The houses were clumped together so closely that it was often hard to see the sky from the ground, not to mention stars. But I knew the moon had already started its way down the western sky, so I had to make haste.

I knew paying a visit at night was inconsiderate because most mortals were asleep, but it was an emergency. I didn't hesitate and knocked firmly at the door of the familiar dilapidated building and kept knocking until I saw the faint candlelight and female voice grumbling curses.

"What the Hell is going on?" Milla huffed, her grey hair escaping wildly from under her nightcap and her eyes throwing daggers at me.

"I need your help," I said without preamble. "Sanna is in trouble."

The angry frown was replaced by surprised worry. "Come on in then."

It took a while to wake Ina and give her time to make herself presentable, so Milla served the tea in the meantime. But I was too anxious to sit still, so I kept pacing the dining room length, considering all possible solutions.

"Could you please stop doing that?" Milla asked, crossing her arms. "Just looking at you is making me dizzy."

"I apologise, but I just─" I didn't finish because the door opened, and Ina came in.

She stopped when she saw me and then hunched her shoulders and closed her night robe tighter, trying to make herself as small as possible. She scuffed towards the closest chair and sat down, avoiding my eyes.

Milla poured tea into the chipped cup and gently held the girl's shoulder. "Ina's here now, so can you finally tell us what happened?"

"Angels found Gallagher's body."

A surprised whimper escaped Ina's mouth, and she quickly covered it with her hand, eyes widening and finally looking at me.

"Oh gods, I knew it would happen sooner or later," Milla mumbled and sat heavily on the chair next to Ina, hiding her face in her hands.

I gave them the moment for the news to sink in and continued. "Sanna is in angel's custody now, but it may not be too late to save her."

Milla straightened and looked up at me. "What can we do?"

I looked at Ina, and anger inside me rose at the thought that anyone could try to harm this innocent child. "Sanna's trial will be held in the city today at noon. She... told me everything that happened." The girl visibly winced. "Ina, I need you to come to that trial and stand as a witness."

"M-me?" she stuttered; her peculiar yellow eyes widened even more. "I-I don't know if I can. N-no one will listen anyway." She trembled and looked away. "Since I'm a monster and all."

I treaded forward and crouched in front of her, careful not to touch her or get too close, not to startle her even more. "You are not a monster, Ina. Nor is any child living here or Sanna. The only monster was that horrible man. I'm going to defend Sanna, but I need your help."

"But there will be so many people there. And angels." She fumbled with the belt of her robe, her hands shaking. "Bad things happen when people see me. I'm too much of a coward to go out in public like that."

"You are not. Sanna told me you were the one who brought her back from... her demon rage. You risked your life to do that. I don't know many people who would dare to tackle an enraged Fallen."

Ina laughed briefly and sniffled, wiping the tears with her sleeve. "It was that, or she would kill all those innocent people there... I wasn't thinking."

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