20.2 Sannarah

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All sounds and sights flooded me in one massive wave. The rumble of thunders and howl of the vicious wind. Clash of steal. Screams of wounded and dying. The stench of blood and burning flesh. The ground itself was shaking every time the gods clashed.

The end of the world.

At that moment, I only cared about one thing.

"Melkyal!" I cried and cradled his face in my hands. "I'm here! Please, please wake up!"

But he didn't. No matter how I begged and pleaded, his eyes remained glassy and unseeing, his chest unmoving. I had all the power mortals could only dream of, yet I could not save him. I was a tool of destruction and nothing else.

"Somebody, help!" I screamed, my throat hoarse. "Please, somebody, help him!" Tears blurred my vision as I pressed my forehead to his. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you."

My whole body shook with a sob I could no longer keep inside. My voice turned into a wail of a wounded animal. I didn't care about the world. It was no longer worth saving. Not without him.

I failed.

When a gentle hand touched my shoulder, I bolted upright. Anauel kneeled next to me, her face deathly pale and smeared with blood. One of her grey wings hung unmoving, shredded, and torn.

"What happened?" she asked, and somehow, surrounded by death and destruction, her voice still sounded kind and comforting.

"S-she..." I stuttered. "No. I killed him." My voice broke into a sob. "I killed him, and I can't fix it."

The angel approached Melkyal and looked over his body with knitted brows. "His injuries are severe. I don't know if I─"

The spark of hope ignited in me again. I grabbed her elbow stronger than I wanted. "Can you still help him? Please, I beg you. I'd do anything." I knew those words were unwise. She could ask for any favour, and I would be obliged to do her bidding without a protest. But at this moment, I didn't care. If there were a chance to save Malkyal, I would pay any price. 

Anauel gently peeled my hand off her. "I can try, though I can't promise anything. My power is almost spent, and his state is grave."

"Please, try at least! Is there any way I can help?"

The angel hovered her hand over Melkyal's body, her fingers radiating pale light. "It will take time. It would help if you could keep the fighting away from us."

"I can do that," I confirmed eagerly, getting back to my feet. "Take all the time you need. I'll make sure no one will bother you."

"Thank you." She closed her eyes, focusing solely on her task.

My heart pulled me towards them, demanding I stay there and hold Melkyal's hand even if it would do no good. I gritted my teeth, turned my back to them, and for the first time since I was back in control of my body, I let myself take in all the carnage around me.

The city had turned into smoking ruins. Once well-cared-for houses were now mere rubble, streets were full of holes and craters, and the bodies were piled everywhere. In the end, angels, demons, and humans rest together in perfect silent harmony.

My chest constricted, and I could barely breathe while I slowly acknowledged every tragedy and atrocity we were pushed to commit. Angels and demons were locked in never-ending battles, humans running for their lives and trembling in their hidings, praying for mercy.

But no mercy would come because gods were here, destroying our world.

It wasn't hard to locate two battling avatars. Wherever they went, destruction followed. Every time their weapon clashed, the impact sent excess energy in waves, shattering everything around them. Neither god cared. Their bodies were torn and bloodied, but they still fought, stubbornly believing the next blow would be decisive.

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