19.2 Melkyal

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Flying didn't make my situation any better. The wind and acid rain lashed furiously at me, trying to pull me in all directions at once. The sky wasn't free of fighting. Not many demons had wings and the ability to fly, but those who did undoubtedly made good use of it. All around us, angels and demons were locked in duels─weapons flashing, flames and lightning flying everywhere.

A small square suddenly turned into a treacherous impassable trap. Without an escort from Angels of Courage, I would never make it. Luckily, Amitiel and her little unit quickly made a path through all the dogfighting toward the centre of the marketplace.

On the other side of the plaza, I could see flashes of light and dark. The Mighty One stood there as a ferocious titan, eradicating the Fallen as if they were flies to be swatted. But when Zurgrun got to that side of the battlefield, the god had to get to the defensive.

My breath hitched as I saw the raw power crackling around the Pride Demon. He raised his hand, and the ground split, letting out screeching creatures from nightmares that dashed at the Mighty One and remaining angels. I gulped and looked away. I would worry about Zurgrun later. First, I had to get Sanna back.

Amitiel slowed her flight and circled above the crater in the middle of the square. Sanna stood there, a circle of dark flames separating her from the rest of the battlefield. Next to her was Khaneus, his shackles gone. I gasped in surprise. He must have slipped out from angels' grasp in all the commotion. They both had their arms outstretched while darkness was gathering in front of them. My skin crawled when I looked at it for too long. It coiled and whirled as if it was a living thing. 

"You're up, Melkyal!" Amitiel called over wind and rain. "I have no idea what she's doing, but it can't be good. We try to keep other demons away from you for as long as possible."

I bowed my head in thanks and dived down.

I landed inside the burning ring, keeping a safe distance from Sanna but in a place where she could see me. I didn't want to startle her.

The Wrath Demon gave me a glance and her face twisted with hatred. I'd never seen Sanna making such a face. Seeing her pretty features distorted this way looked wrong and unnatural.

"Go away, Golden Boy, before I shred you to pieces."

I raised my hands placatingly. "I'm not here to hurt you."

The Wrath Demon scoffed. "You can't hurt me even if you tried. You are too weak." She raised her hand, and the darkness grew faster. Something was moving inside it.

Khaneus turned to me. He looked much better than at the trial─the poison must have worn off. But he seemed even more unhinged than when we captured him. Amongst all the carnage and ruins, his eyes were bright, smiling as if he had never been happier. "Oh, is it this annoying archangel again? Shall we get rid of him?" Not waiting for an answer, he pointed one hand at me, and a ball of dark fire whooshed at me. I barely managed to dodge in time and felt a heat grazing my side.

"Don't waste your magic on this weakling," the Wrath Demon hissed. "We need more power to open the gate."

"Fine, but once it's open, I'm getting rid of this annoying pest." The sorcerer turned his focus on the growing darkness.

I sidestepped to face the Wrath Demon while keeping an eye on Khaneus. "Sanna, I know you're still in there. You must stop this madness," I tried, making my voice as calm as possible, though my mind was screaming with anxiety to move faster, to force her back before it would be too late. 

The Fallen laughed. It was completely different from the way Sanna did. It was obnoxious and hysterical. Unhinged. "Oh, you poor, poor fool. She's gone now, and she's never coming back."

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