Chapter 4 : His Diary

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Once again I sat obliviously at the family dining table lost own thoughts whilst everyone else exchanged suggestive glances.

Only at that moment I released something serious was being planned... possibly about me.

Father turned his to face me, beaming ear to ear. "I have rather exciting news regarding your your marriage Adelaide," he stated in a oddly thrilled manner, "Lord Phoebe has invited our whole family for lunch!"

"And I believe it is held tomorrow night." Mother added. The table busied into a discussion about this instantaneously occurring invitation. 

No one seemed to look at the rational side of this situation The question was: why were we getting invited to the dinner when before the marriage, the future couple are not meant to meet in person? Why didn't anyone consider talking about that?

The frantic dinner concluded and I went back up to my chamber, at unease with my situation. My plan had not worked and things were only worsening but other than that my mind was focused on something more fascinating.

I pulled open my bedside drawer, kneeling beside it and took out the diary I had bought home. Hesitantly, I opened to the first page and started to read...

I was always told to jot down my words at the end the day, that It'd be fun to read back on once time has passed. Who'd thought I'd actually take the advice. Still, I feel as though my pen is skating across the page on its own, reading my thoughts as it does so.
I've reached quite a hectic point in my life. Luckily, I'm not on my own. Eugene and I both, will choose the women we desire to marry at this evening party.

So it was Hugo's diary! I continued reading, more engrossed than ever.

The day came sooner than expected; me and Eugene were already signing the envelopes off and sealing them up after writing the name of whom we desire to marry. It wasn't too difficult for me; I stood soldier to fathers longing of creating an alliance with our neighbouring kingdom and wrote the name of its younger princess. I had known not much about her but was willing to go forward and fulfil fathers wish. I watched the two of them being taken away onto the wagon through the castle window. I had expected to see two wagons, delivering each envelope to a different kingdom. There was only one. Had me and Eugene picked to marry from the same kingdom? Or even worse, did we pick the same woman? The dreadful thought of this had already tugged me outside to find out for myself. The single wagon driver confirmed, both letters were indeed going to Dwarvania.
I was still to find out to who-

Sudden footsteps pattered across the corridor of which the door to my room stood at.

I shut the diary before shoving it underneath my off-white duvet covers. "The dress you'll be wearing tomorrow will be delivered to your room in the morning!" Charlotte babbled, barging in without a single knock. She still hadn't lost this habit of hers.

"Ok I'll-"

"Ok goodnight, we'll be leaving early this morning!" She squealed before tugging down at the string that turned my lights off; she slammed the door shut and left.

I sat there in the dark, my fingers traced the surfaces of my bedside table for my drawers knob. I pulled it open and put the diary back in. My tired muscles didn't take long to ooze comfortably into a deep sleep.

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