Chapter 34 : Delusions

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Charlottes POV
"does that mean I'll have to return to Arcania?! Please, don't send me back! Please, please, plea-"
Gazing out the casement, my face twisted into the scowl as my mind replayed that memory.

A few days after Adelaide's arrival (which was roughly about a year ago), she had finally mustered up the courage to to tell me everything.

Everything about her husband...

The abuse.

The murder of his brother.

King Phoebe giving her drugs and most importantly the diary. She'd shown me the folded page which had marked where she had read up to.

As for me, I couldn't contain my curiosity and so decided to read it all, every single word in book terrifying me more and more.

Hugo was Eugene... Hugo was Eugene?!

The real Hugo... was dead.

Even though I gate-kept this significant piece of information from Adelaide, it was only in order to prevent her from running back her abusive husband and forgiving him.

As much as I knew, I shouldn't interfere with her married life, I also knew she only despised her husband as Hugo for causing harm to his brother. She didn't one consider his awful treatment towards her as a massive problem.

Finding out about how horribly Adelaides married life was, was heartbreaking. Knowing my sister well, I also knew she was the type of person to only solve her problems herself or to suffer in silence.

Luckily, over the course of a few months I was able to somewhat lighten her trauma by not bringing it up. In spite of all, from time to time she would still catch a glimpse of the past and a frown would fall upon her face.

I had to say, as selfish as it sounds, I was happy Adelaide had come to me. My married life always felt like something was missing, someone... someone I loved.

Or at least i though I did.

Perhaps because prince Horace wasn't my first love but after reading Hugo's diary, I quickly realised my first love was a lie. I thought I fell in love with Hugo... but it was Eugene and to my dismay... he only wrote letters back to seek revenge from Hugo and keep me away from his brother.

Now I finally feel grateful for everything I have, though it's probably self-centred to think this way but... I needed Adelaide to find me in the condition she did.

Authors POV
"Tsk. Eugene, she's dead. Get over it already." His father spoke trying to sound serious despite being amused with the whole situation. "For goodness sake, you have your own damn room to sleep in for a reason. Why the hell are you staying in the servants quart-"

"Father... please leave."

His father rolled his eyes in irritation. "I thought you'd be happy once I bought you the news that our rivals surrendered... but look at you, stil-"

"Father, leave!" Eugene threateningly demanded. Letting out a deep sigh, the king left the small room.

"Father! How could you-"

"Oh Eugene~ Eugene~. We're both on the same boat you know... I killed my wife just like you killed yours. No need to act like ones better than the other. In fact... if I remember correctly, you also killed your brother. We both had to make sacrifices for our motive: power; nothings wrong with that." king Phoebe casually stated.

Before Eugene was able to reply in any possible way and prove his claim wrong, the tip of a sharp, thin metal was injected into his shoulder blade, piercing through his clothes and into his skin.

A light smirked formed upon the kings lips at the sight of his son collapsing at his feet.
*End of flashback*


Dear Arthur,

Arthur read out, a smile tugging the corners of his lips up at the familiar use of words.

Nothing much going on here in Noxborne at the moment and I didn't think this day would come so soon but the war has ended. I hope this lightens your duties at the castle. Also, how is Delilah doing? I would love to come meet her one day now that the restriction to travel has been put off. Anyways, I'll sign off now, Charlotte wanted me to practice more on cross-stitching so I've been busy. I know you always do but, remember to write back to me!
Your friend,

He folded the letter in half, shelving it with the other stack of letters Adelaide had sent. Ever since she left, they made sure to keep in touch through ink on paper.

For Arthur, everything had been running smoothly. Prince Eugene persistently begged him on staying at his job at the castle.

Eventually, Arthur gave in, realising that the prince indeed had felt guilty and regretted what he had done. After a while, Arthur became commander knight.

It was pretty  obviously that it was Eugenes work, though the knight became somewhat friends with the prince. Finally comprehending why he was lead to do such dirty work.

Now seeing the prince in such a despondent state, he felt that Eugene deserved to be forgiven; maybe even deserved to know that Adelaide was still alive but for that, he required Adelaides consent. That obviously wasn't given.

Every time Arthur wrote letters to the princess, he would try include the prince in them saying: 'You husband really misses you' or 'he regrets what he did'.

Adelaide however would completely ignore and disregard his words, her letters would have nothing relating the prince and the one time she had mentioned him was to warn Arthur with cold words never to enlighten the prince on how she was very much alive.

At one point, Arthur completely stopped mentioning the prince in his letters as well, accepting Adelaides boundaries.

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