Chapter 23 : Unrequited

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Authors POV
A smidgen of cleft clouds were spat across the orange, evening sky above the now grubby atmosphere; there was dust arising from all the action taking place on the fields.

An odd one out paced through the array of trainers and their trainees. The prince broke thorough from his footslog pattern and plonked himself on the nearest bench.

The benches were meant for audience during village battles but were now all isolated during war season. The prince's eyes settled on a small group, training; his mind though, leaving to other destinations. It fetched memories from today, yesterday, last week, last year, last five years...

trying to match up all the pieces that led him in such a state; without his mother.

Where did it all go wrong?

In spite of everything, the rocks, boulders and pebbles of problems were finally clearing out of the prince's path.

Or maybe it was all in his head. Taking the revenge that he had plotted against his father and living a happy married life with whom he used to love but did not deserve, were two mutually exclusive events and so he had picked the first option.

The option that would give him nothing but misery and a bit of satisfaction. However for the first time, it seemed to him, maybe both options were possible...

The cackling noise of rusty metal clinking together rung louder through the stampede of training; the castle gates were opening.

It didn't take much thought for the prince to guess who it was: Adelaide. He stayed put, on his seat, knowing she would make her way to him by herself. Not knowing however, that someone else was making their way to him as well.

The king set foot onto the training fields, eyes fixated on the sight of his son before striding towards him.

"A soldier from the Debtford kingdom came to inform me today... they have postponed the war to tomorrow evening... Hugo~."

King Phoebe, rested his hands on the hips of his short, round figure.

"I know father..." the prince let out, almost defeatedly.

His father continued, "don't try act smart with me or run any of your little plans. You know everyone has their eyes on you and you also know very well that whatever you do, will have consequences."

King Phoebe had now sat down next to the prince, hand placed on the shoulder closest to him and a sly look engraved on his wrinkly features. "I'm proud of you..." he started again.

The prince hummed in response.

"I'm glad you were easily able to convey your wife; I mean she should stay obedient to you either way. You should keep it that way. Anyhow, dinners ready now; let's go inside, shall we."

Adelaides POV
Dinner was monotonous and silent like it's always been. Afterwards, I made my way upstairs, following behind Hugo.

His pace slowed down and eventually came to a pause. Me, who was speeding right behind, fortuitously hit my head onto his shoulder blade.

He turned around to face me, "the war will commence later tomorrow..."

I was rubbing my head after it had come in contact to his back, "ah... ok." I replied, not knowing what else to say.

He turned back around and resumed walking to his chamber.

"Hugo, there was something I needed to confess." I awkwardly said, now sauntering beside him. He pulled down at the handle and unlatched the door, revealing the dark chamber, before answering,

"I'm listening...?"

"It's... quite hard to say." I mumbled, fiddling with my fingers.

He switched on the lights and we entered.

"Quite hard to say 'what'?"

He was hardly paying attention and was now occupied in his own activities getting ready for sleep.
Yet, I still found it hard to pour my heart out into one sentence, "um... well...I-"

"If it's hard to say then why do you want to say it?"

"Just something I wanted to get off my chest." I stated openly, looking everywhere but at him.

"Can you stop wiggling and dancing; stand properly when your speaking to me!" He warned as I straightened my posture and stopped fiddling with everything. "Now say whatever you needed to say." He demanded, almost threateningly.

I deeply inhaled before speaking, "H-Hugo... IloveyouHugo."

I had my eyes tightly shut whilst the sentence came out of in one word. In embarrassment, I veiled my face with my hands right after saying it.

Thousands of regrets towered over me; maybe I shouldn't have said that. I could feel him take a step towards me, his hands clasping around my wrists before pulling them down, revealing my face.

I slightly lifted the eyelid of one eyes to browse at the current situation but instantly shut it at the sight of Hugo. I felt a soft peck being planted on the top of my head.

"good night." he spoke in hushed tones.

I slowly opened my eyes when feeling a lack of his presence; he had left.

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