Survival instinct

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It's been a week since I've been getting counseling. It's not that great, but at least it was somewhat helping me. I didn't like talking about my past, it brought up plenty of unwanted memories.

But the good thing was that forest was there for me, he made sure I was ok, and he has been my rock through it all. I have also been going to sign language class, which was helpful in some aspects.

It's late night now and it was raining. I hated the rain, especially what comes with it. The lightning and thunder were both scary, I'm not certain how Forest had made it through before when we were all alone, but to tell you the truth it wasn't because we weren't strong and right now, it was being proven.

I was a coward, hiding under the bed with a flashlight as I trembled from fright was not very manly of me, was it? No. I was about to pass out any minute now as the crashing sounds from the thunder echoed through the house.

Forest was long gone, hiding as well because he didn't like experiencing this as well. It was safe to say that we were both cowards, and that's how it's going to be. The room was once again brightened by the lightning that zapped through it, my eyes became wide with fear as I decided to hightail it out of my hiding spot and go find somewhere else to hide.

I hate my life, what the hell is wrong with me? Running through the narrow hallway, I crashed into someone, sending him backward as he landed with a humph. Another lightning chose that moment to let itself be known as if mocking me, which I probably deserved.

So I did one of the most shocking things I can think of, I jumped on the stranger and curled myself into him while shaking like a leaf. If I could talk, I would be begging him not to let me go, but I couldn't, so I held on for dear life.

“What the fuck?” the person said as he tried to pry me off him, which only allowed me to hold on tighter. He grunted while mumbling something under his breath, saying he was going to talk to Lilliana and Samuel about this situation he found himself in.

He started walking with me still holding on, as I tried not to listen to him calling me all sorts of names, including a monkey. I didn't even notice that we had arrived at Lilliana's office until I heard laughter coming from everyone who was there. I found myself blushing, and being the center of attention didn't sit well with me.

“My dear brother, what's this you have gotten yourself in?” Samuel said, as he was laughing at my expense.

“Sam it's not funny, I came here for my vacation not to be bombarded by someone who's terrified right now.” the man said while successfully pulling me off him.

I was placed on my feet, finally being able to look at him and my goddess he's gorgeous. He has dark brown hair, but his eye color was different. They are gray, the grayest pair I've ever seen. They resembled the sky when it's about to rain.

He scowled at me when he realized I was staring, so I tried my best to hide my face, so he wouldn't see that I was blushing.

“Jason, stop looking at my son like that.” Lilliana said as she came to stand next to me.

“Are you alright, Elias? Why were you so scared?” she asked as she tilted my head to get a good look at me. I had calmed down some, but not a lot. The lightning and thunder were still present, making me tremble as I looked at my mother.

'I-I'm sorry, I'm just afraid of the storm.' I replied, which had her nodding her head in understanding.

'Don't worry, you're safe here.' I smiled at her and looked back at the man who was watching me with curiosity. He switches his gaze over to Samuel when I caught him, as if he weren't just staring at me.

“We were just finalizing some things here, it's now ten at night, so we will have to hurry and get you settled.” Lilliana said, and Jason nodded his head.

“It's good to see you guys too, Brendan and Bryan, it's been a while since I've visited.” they both smiled while talking about some of the things he has missed out on which left him in awe. I couldn't believe he was so handsome. I zoned out as I was watching him, taking in his appearance.

'Stop that.' forest said as he sighed.

'Stop what? Is it wrong for me to look at someone else?' I asked, waiting for his reply.

'No, it's not. It's not wrong, but remember we are not like Ryker. We have to accept his rejection, so we can move on, and you can do all the flirting you want to.' I rolled my eyes, angry at him for ruining my moment.

'Ok so for distracting you. I didn't know we were both so afraid of lightning and thunder. Back in the forest, it wasn't so bad, it would only rain nonstop, which had been difficult for me to hunt. I know that when we were younger, we used to run to mom and dad when it started raining.' it's true though, we were terrified of the rain when we were younger, and it appears that we still are.

'Do you miss them? Mom and dad, I mean.' I asked in a sad tone.

'Not a day goes by where I don't miss them. I wanted to be able to be there for my sibling, and that's not possible. Even though they hate us, I still wish there was a part of them that would accept us for who we are.' I agreed with him because I felt the same, but knowing that would never happen left a hole in my heart. As the conversation continued between everyone, I was left to my thoughts.

At least for now, I didn't have to worry about what was going to happen to me, which was a great feeling.

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