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“I don't feel so good.” I said as I got in bed next to Elias, who woke up because of the noise I was making before.

'What's wrong with you?' He asked. Not in a worried tone, but an irritated one.

“Probably a stomach bug or something, don't mind me. I'm just going to sleep it off.” I replied as I started to snuggle with the pillows. I'm still thinking about what Max had done, I couldn't help but want to vomit every time. Max found it funny, though, laughing at my expense. I am never going to give him control ever again.

'Maybe it was something you ate before. Would you like some tea?' I shook my head at Elias's question, closing my eyes as I groaned.

“I'm just going to sleep it off. Hopefully, I'll be better in a couple of hours or so.” I said, and he nodded his head. It didn't help that Max was teasing me. It wasn't funny at all. Sure, I would have killed Sheila myself, but I wouldn't resort to eating her!

That's the last thing that was on my mind. But Max is a wolf, so I had no arguments there. Whenever we went hunting, he would always feast on his kill, so this should be nothing new to him.

I fell asleep after a while of twisting and turning on the bed. I'm glad I was able to because I would have been vomiting once more thanks to Max and his psycho ways.

When I woke up, Elias wasn't next to me. I didn't panic because I knew he wasn't going to go too far without me knowing about it first. I sent him a mind link, asking him about his whereabouts, and he told me he was getting something to eat and that he wasn't alone.

Being the jealous type that I am, I wanted to know who he was with, so I made my way downstairs as fast as I could. I'm trying my best not to trip and fall in a hurry to get to my mate.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed that he was with Kai, I did say he could hang out with him earlier, so I'm glad that he's doing so. He needed a friend or two here because I don't ever want him to be known as the lonely wolf anymore.

Sitting next to him, he rolls his eyes as I place my hand on the back of his seat. A possessive trait I came to enjoy doing whenever we were eating in the presence of anyone.

It's strange, isn't it? How could a person change so quickly? At first, I hated Elias and wanted to kill him. I didn't like the idea of having a male mate, but now, I can't seem to stay away from him for too long.

“So tell me, Kai, how are you liking it here so far?” I asked, trying to break the silence between them.

“It's what you call, um…enjoyable? Yeah. I'm enjoying my stay here so far. Ryland has been nothing but good to me.” He says while blushing and looking down.

I felt a pang of guilt in my chest when I looked at Elias. He wasn't looking at us. His eyes were focused on his meal that he was playing with.

“Your English is good, I'm glad Raina was able to help you.” I replied, and kai nodded his head. Elias looks up suddenly at the mention of his friend's name, as if he were just remembering her.

'When will I be able to see Raina?' He asked, and I shrugged my shoulders.

“Anytime you want. I'm not stopping you from visiting her or her to pay a visit to you. I thought I made myself clear before.” I said, hoping he would believe me.

“I forgot about this telepathy thing Ryland told me about. I was about to laugh at you for talking to Elias as if he had just asked you a question.” Kai said while shaking his head.

“So you're from the white falls pack in Brampton. Do you miss it there?” I asked kai. I'm trying to get rid of the tension that I already felt coming off Elias in waves.

“I do miss my home, yes, but I knew that I would have to leave when I found my mate. I just didn't know that I would find him so early, given that I'm sixteen.” Kai replies, and I nod my head.

This was enough to get my mind off what took place in my office. Max had since decided to stop tormenting me about it, I'm glad that he wasn't showing me images of it, or I would really go insane.

Like I said, I did kill for sport. I used my canines to rip my predators apart, but I've never swallowed someone's body like that before. I wondered where Max got those ideas from, or if Paxton was as bad as him.

Ryland came to get Kai shortly after, leaving Elias and me alone. The silence between us was awkward. I thought he was warming up to me, but it seemed as if he was drifting back to his old ways. Slipping into this shell of his that he seems to love so much.

'I believe I will visit Raina tomorrow and spend the day with her.' He said out of nowhere. I groaned out of frustration because my mate was making it hard for me to get to know him better when he's like this. So closed off.

I was trying, at least that's progress in my book. I just don't understand why he was acting like this.

“Can you tell me what's really bothering you?” I asked, as I decided not to let this go without knowing how to fix this.

'You want to know the truth? Think Ryker. Back in therapy, what's something that sally mentioned that would certainly get me to be this way!?' He shouted, causing me to flinch from the harshness of his tone in my head.

“That's where you'll have to fill me in because I have no idea what you're talking about.” I replied, equally frustrated as well as confused as to why he was behaving like this.

'Fine, I'll tell you. She said quote…
' Were you using me as a way of keeping your title?' That's what I want to know because you strayed from the topic and didn't answer the fucking question.' Shoot. I guess I can see why he's mad. It's not like I couldn't answer the question because I already knew the answer to it.

“Of course not, Elias, I thought you knew me better by now.” I was trying to get myself out of this hole I had just dug. It wasn't like I was lying, that was far from it. I couldn't care less about the Alpha title. I've let my family know that constantly, but he didn't believe me. I guess it was going to be a lot of work from now on. If it means getting him to believe me and getting him to finally see the changes I've made for him, then that's what I'll do for him to trust me.

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