The pain and suffering

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I didn't return to the pack house. It wasn't because I didn't want to, it was only because I couldn't. No matter how many times Raina suggested helping me, I refused. No matter the number of times Forest recommended he take over, I blocked him.

As Raina sat next to me on the bed, placing a warm cloth on my forehead, another wave of pain hit me, and this time, it was the worst. I knew what it meant, I figured it out the first time it had happened before.

The only thing I've been saying to myself was that I deserved it. I deserved the pain my mate was giving me, all because I didn't accept his rejection. I could have written it down or found a way to communicate with him, but I didn't because I was fucking stupid. Raina's sobs could be heard throughout the room I was in as she kept on begging me to let her take my pain away.

I shook my head as I started trembling, bracing myself as she picks up the bucket she places there for me so that I could empty my stomach. Forest was trying to push his way forward, even though I blocked him he was able to break it down. He's strong, that wolf. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have lived for so long.

I'm the weak one here, the one who's always depending on him, and for that, I was sorry. He whimpers from the pain, but throughout all of it, he was helping me instead of taking care of himself. I don't know how he does it, but I have to give him credit.

'Is it always this bad?' Raina asked as I started to quiet down a little.

'S-sometimes. I felt it before when I was brought back to the forest. I didn't react to it as badly as I'm reacting right now.' She nodded her head as the cloth disappears, only for a cup of tea to appear in her hand.

'At least I'm here to help you through it now, don't worry too much about it. I wish you would accept my offer to let you sleep it off, it will be much better that way.' I shook my head, and she frowns while helping me drink the tea.

I shouldn't have trusted her with it, but knowing her so far I can see just how loyal of a friend she is, and for that, I was grateful. She was about to place the cup back to my lips, but I shook my head, telling her that I have had enough of it.

'What's in it?' I asked, which was a little too late.

'It's only jasmine, it's very calming. I-I wouldn't betray your trust like that.' Moisture pools in her eyes once more as she takes in my fragile state. I nodded my head and smiled at her, rather weakly.

'Thank you, Raina. I'm glad you're here with me.' A couple of minutes later I was finally able to fall asleep after forest told me that he was going to take over, that that was the most he could do. I didn't want him to bear the pain anymore, I wanted to be able to take on something for the both of us, but as always, I was too weak to do it.

What would I do without him? What would I do without the help I have been getting from everyone? It was like I was back to square one, going to therapy did help yes, but at this point, I was second-guessing it.

It took a couple of hours before I was able to move around without feeling the pain. The pain my mate had caused from being with someone else. As I stood out on the balcony, I looked up at the evening sky, which was a bit cloudy.

I tried talking to forest, but he was out cold. It took a lot of energy in him to make sure I wasn't feeling any pain, I shook my head because I couldn't believe I was blessed with such a wonderful wolf.

At least Selene did something proper for once, it's like she knew that I needed him. I was weak, and he was strong, we balanced out each other and made it work.

'Hungry?' Raina asked as she came to stand next to me with a sad smile on her face. I nodded my head and chuckled as I thought about what I would like to eat.

'I could go for some PB&J, but after I take a shower and brush my teeth.' She rolled her eyes and gestured for me to follow her, which I did.

She led me to another room she told me was mine while showing me around. After snapping her fingers, clothes appeared on the bed, which was still freaky if you ask me. Being a witch must be easy, Raina didn't have to use money to get what she wanted.

Magic was her only way around, and I didn't know if I should be jealous or impressed. She left me alone, so I could get some privacy, stripping my clothes off I walked into the shower and shrieked as warm water hits my body.

'I just did that, sorry if I scared you.' I huffed and shook my head, attempting to be annoyed at her but failing rather miserably. I got to work bathing, getting rid of the stress that was placed in my life once more.

I had to deal with my parents not wanting me, I had to deal with my mate rejecting me, and now he's also cheating on me. Selene has one fucked up sense of humor, one that I didn't enjoy at all.

It's like she likes it when her children are tortured, she's like a sadist, someone who enjoys the pain of others, which was fucked up in more ways than I can count.

At least I had people here with me to support me throughout these trying times, at least I had Forest who was always there for me.

He's my rock, he's my strength and because of him, I was able to walk again without falling. Because of him, I knew what it was like to love again, to live and I wouldn't ask for a better wolf, a better half than the one I was given.

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