Hoping for the best

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The next day, when I woke up, I decided to spend the day with Lilliana and Samuel. They were so surprised when they heard my voice that Lilliana started crying. I've never seen her so emotional before because I always thought that she was strong. I even spoke to Brendan and Bryan, and they too were shocked. Lilliana even said she never knew just how powerful Raina was until now.

“What are you planning on doing next?” Lilliana asked as we were both walking outside so that we could talk.

“I want to find Andrea. It's a pity Raina won't be able to help me get my powers back, but I'm certain if I find the right gifts for Andrea, she would be able to help me.” I replied and Lilliana nodded her head.

“If she does that, how are you going to cope with being a warlock? You never coped well before with just being a wolf. The world has been ugly towards you. You suffered a lot, but it seems as if things are finally working out in your favor.” I don't even know how to answer her. It was all frustrating, yes, but I had to start somewhere.

“I just want to find her and get my powers back, only then will I be able to move on, and my life will finally be completed. I don't know what's going to happen after that, but I want to spend the rest of my life knowing that I don't have anything else to worry about.” I replied honestly and Lilliana nodded her head.

“It's so strange hearing your voice. I'm happy things are finally looking up for you. Now this will be about finding Andre. From what you told me about your feelings when you were walking alone before, I bet it's her. She's the one who's probably going to come after you, so you need to be prepared for anything. Just know that I will be there to protect you with my life.” I didn't know what I did to deserve this. The way Lilliana was looking at me, I can see how much she loved me.

I once thought that this would never happen to me, that no one wanted me. But look at how things have changed for me. I finally found a family who would be there for me, who would risk their lives for me. What more could I ask for?

“Ryker is calling, I think it's time to head home now, but I'll be back as soon as I can.” I gave Lilliana a hug, and she asked me to be careful. After that, I contacted Raina and told her I was ready to head home, so she teleported me back.

Once I was back at the pack house, Ryker was already waiting for me with dinner. He smiled when he saw me and asked me to sit next to him, which I did.

“I already ate, you know.” I said as I took in the different types of food that was on the table.

“Do I look like I care? Nope. You ate at Lilliana's, but now you're eating with me.” He responded, making me scoff as I took up a biscuit and dipped it in the gravy that was there. I couldn't help but moan from the taste of it, I think that I might be having a foodgasm right now.

I heard laughter and was brought back to reality to find Ryker laughing at me as if he couldn't believe I was moaning over food. If it's that good, what the hell am I supposed to do?

“What's so funny, you dickhead?” I asked in an irritated tone, but that only made him laugh even harder. I still don't get the fucking joke, so sue me if I don't understand why he's laughing at me.

I ignored him and started eating the French fried chicken that was there as well. Along with French fries and mashed potatoes. But there was a twist with this mash potato.

They also added sweet potatoes with the Irish potatoes and lots of cheese. I was in heaven. I zoned out completely as I devoured the food greedily. I wasn't lying when I said that I ate before, but damn, this was too much to pass up on.

“If you're moaning this much over food, I know you would moan even louder over my dick.” Ryker said out of nowhere and I started to choke. I was in a coughing fit when he gave me some water to drink, which was enough to get me to calm down.

“What the fuck is wrong with you!?” I shouted, suddenly feeling irritated because I didn't get to finish my food in peace. It's all about food for me, no one should bother me while I'm eating ever again.

“The way you're acting makes me think that you're pregnant, but you're a guy, so you can't get pregnant.” I narrowed my eyes at Ryker for what he said and took up a biscuit, then threw it at him. I know I shouldn't be wasting food and that there are plenty of people out there who would want it, but I was too angry to care.

“What was that for? I'm only speaking the truth.” He said, before taking up said biscuit off the floor and blowing on it, then taking a big bite. That's so disgusting.

“I don't believe in wasting food. Now continue to eat so that we can go and get some things done. You've been slacking off as a Luna lately, or is it that I've been spoiling you too much?” I rolled my eyes at him and went back to eating.

“Being a Luna can wait until I get my powers back. I'm not slacking off, I just have more important things to do with my life right now.” I replied as I started to eat the fries. He's right, though, I have been failing in my duties as a Luna.

But I couldn't focus when there were so many things happening to me. That is why I need to find Andrea and get that out of the way. Ryker didn't say anything else to me as we continued to eat in silence. I just hope that Andrea will be able to help me, or I wouldn't know what to do with myself anymore.

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