Special treatment

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Forest gave me control once more after telling me that he needed time to rest. It seems as if something happened to him while mating with Ryker, but he wouldn't tell me what it was. When I got back in control, the first thing I noticed was the excruciating pain that I was feeling in my lower back and feet. It was hard for me to walk, so I had to be in bed for most part.

The second thing I noticed was Ryker sleeping next to me. It was dark when I woke up, which meant that I was out for hours. I thought that Ryker would have left when he was done, but I guess I was wrong. What is he still doing here, by the way? The third thing was the heat was gone, which I was grateful for.

Did he forget his rules when he had just brought me here? If he was staying out of pity, he can leave for all I care. Moments later, he started to stir, letting me know that he was about to wake up.

A yawn escapes his mouth as he opens his eyes, which landed on me instantly. The light from the lamp has given me a full view of his face, so I could see the worry in his eyes.

“Good, you're awake. I should go and get you something to eat, you've been sleeping for a long time now, so you must be hungry.” He said as he made a move to get out of bed, but I stopped him.

'I don't know what game you're playing, but you need to stop. You're only trying to win me over by acting as if you care about me.' He shook his head, trying to deny what I said. I wasn't a fool, though, I can see right through him.

“Look, I know that I've made plenty of mistakes and words can't express how sorry I am. I also know that sorry won't fix anything, but I'm willing to try. In the morning, I intend to go to therapy. It was suggested by my brother, so I guess I'll make full use of it. Another thing is well.. I..um, I wanted us to go together since I promised Lilliana that you'd continue your classes here.” He looks away, as if he was suddenly embarrassed or shy.

What did he have to be shy for? Getting out of bed, he made his way towards the bathroom, leaving me to my thoughts. There's something going on with him. No one can change overnight if they don't have some sort of motive behind it.

I would have to watch him and try not to let my guard down because he'd only walk all over me. He'll use that as a way of getting what he wants from me when he knew I was too weak to fight back. I wasn't stupid, I knew that he's only doing this because of the pain he caused me earlier.

He stepped out of the bathroom a couple of minutes later, freshly showered, with a towel wrapped around his waist. I'm not going to stare, I wouldn't give him such a luxury.

“Since you already taken a bath earlier, you don't have to worry about showering. I didn't, so that's why I took one.” He said as he took up his clothes off the floor and started getting dressed right in front of me. Why was he even explaining himself to me?

I had to focus my attention on the boring color paint on the wall so that I didn't let my eyes stray. It's not that he wasn't a handsome man, it's just that I didn't want to give him any indication that I had any feelings for him.

“Would you like anything in particular to eat? Seeing that it's now 10:30, I guess everyone already retired to their quarters, so I could prepare something for you if you'd like.” Ok, he caught me there. At least I had a choice as to what I wanted to eat, and he wasn't denying me or trying to starve me. What an angel he is.

'I could go for some pb&j and could you also get me some bread and butter sandwich? I could go for that as well, and some jasmine tea if you have any.' He looked at me like I was weird, but nodded his head instead and left after getting dressed.

I only asked for the bread and butter sandwich because of Forest, at least I could do something for him. He hates pb&j but loves bread with American butter. I had to admit one thing though, I kind of like it as well.

'Hey, remember the bag you had with you when we were alone in the forest?' I asked, trying to see if I can get forest to reply, but he didn't.

'It's a good thing you had it with our other stuff so that I can go through it. I still don't know who gave you that bag, but I hope that I will be able to find out soon.' I said, but still no answer.

'Have you ever thought about how ironic your name is? Forest haha. Every time I or anyone else says forest, I can't help but think about you.' I suggested once more, but still nothing, guess he was out for good this time.

The door opens shortly after and Ryker walks in balancing two trays in his hands. Setting them down on the bedside table, he walks up to me so that he can assist me with sitting up. He should do all the work without complaint since it's his fault anyway.

“I know you said that you wanted some pb&j and bread with butter sandwich, but I made some turkey sandwiches for myself as well with French fries. You can help yourself to some if you like.” He took up the tray and placed it on my lap, making sure to leave my cup of tea on the table.

We ate together in silence, which gave me an opportunity to think about the way he was acting. I don't know any other word to describe it other than domesticated, right? As if he enjoys doing the housework around here. Maybe he's just trying to impress me with his newfound change.

He's acting as if we were in a relationship, and he's been taking care of me all this time. This was not a side of Ryker I expected to see, and quite frankly, it was shocking. When we were done, he took the tray and left. Saying he was going to get some fresh air. I still haven't forgiven him for what he did and if he thought by doing all this work he was going to win me over, he thought wrong. Forest was the one who always taught me to be strong, and that's what I'll do. I'll show him I can make it on my own if he ever tries to hurt me again.

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