Chapter 3

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AN: majority of this update- and probably the next- is a dinner scene, but honestly? It was funny trying to write it with all distinctions between characters. Hopefully you guys have some fun with it too.

Happy 4th to those who celebrate <3

Carter's pov

I haven't said much of anything as I was in the car with Eleanora on the way to the restaurant where everyone wants to have dinner in celebration of me getting out the cast.

My left forearm looks slightly thinner compared to my right..

Good thing I brought a hoodie so no one can see.

"You're going to wear a hoodie at a restaurant nice as this one? My love, everyone's dressed up," she caught my ear and i bit the bottom of my lip knowing she's capable of bringing up other things that can concern her.

Like me lying to her for months.

"Y-you're right," I left the buttons alone with my white button up collared shirt.

"And besides," I peaked through my curls to see her still focused on driving.

"I kind of like the outfit you have on. Reminds me of our first concert- you were adorable as you were smashing with your performance," she playfully nudged me with a lean to the shoulder and I just smiled with a small giggle.

We reached a stop light- probably the worst one within this five block radius because it's been holding up traffic ever since we got onto this road.


"I'm sorry," I blurted out.

"It's just a hoodie, I know I know.. nothing to be sorry about Carter. Think of the situation like- the after party of your recitals. I'm sure you wouldn't wear a hoodie to event like that," she remained bright and patient.

"No, I'm sorry for lying to you about seeing Johannes behind your back and not telling you..." I mumbled and I could hear her turn herself to face me.

"Is the light stuck?" I was trying to fight off the tension the more silent the car grew.

Why is taking so long for the light to change-

"Carter, I'm not upset with you about that. I never was upset with anything," her voice was low and calm... sincere.

"It's in your voice... I can hear it," I slowly replied trying to reassure her that I'm listening. Even when she held her breath when I said that, I'm listening.

"I'm just upset with myself that I did that," I looked out the window and stared out into whatever can distract my mind from the guilt.

"You have to cut yourself some slack," she reasoned.

"I've been in a cast for months now, that's too much slack," I was moping and she giggled as she reaches for my hand.

I met her half way as I held hers dearly while looking at how dainty and elegant her fingers were.

"I may not have been in the same situation as you," she started.

"But I am familiar with the hunger that you're feeling. The craving to grind and mold yourself into an image that you can only see yourself becoming in your dreams. You see it so often you feel so close and yet-

"You see the journey you have to take in order to achieve it," I finished her sentence.

Eleanora's hand twitched slightly when I spoke and our eyes met briefly as she focused on the road again.

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