Chapter 20

384 24 20

Carter's pov

Why is the sun so bright?...

Where even am I?

My loft...

I forget I have my own living space.

I was walking over to my kitchen to get the pepto from the back of the fridge. I don't know if it'll help with my stomachache. I didn't eat anything- at all and that may be the problem.

I'm sure a glass of oat milk and a shot of this might do me good...

There was a sticky note on the fridge:

Last night's dinner and some of your favorite snacks are in the fridge. Let us know if there's anything we can do. One call away, one msg away

- love mom and dad

I crumbled it up and threw it away. I don't wanna talk to anyone about anything.

I talked to Eleanora and although I answered truthfully, it didn't go the way I wanted it to.

I've never argued with seomone before.

On top of that, I've never been in one so heated, I couldn't express myself...

Not like this.

...she was on my mind...

I did what I did for her...

Getting rid of them was the only way to protect her well being- but they were donors..

I can donate the money I make from the church and the extra money I make from the wedding gig... that'll help.

I'll find them a new top donor..

I said I'll fucking fix it.. I don't know how but I can't describe this feeling I have because I know I will..

I sound pathetic.

Who's calling my phone?

I put the cap to the funny pink liquid aside and went to my night stand upstairs to look at the called ID: wicked witch.

Now who's- "johannes," my tongue clicked in realization.

"Hey," I sounded like shit.

"You sound like shit," she literally just s-

"Can you get to the point?" I yawned.

"Where is your ass?! You have a lesson today, you have to prepare for that audition at church Sunday so the man would have you perform in the wedding for whatever nice couple there is as your official job and for fuck sake that following weekend, you're in a public expedition with Raheem. Get your ass out of bed Cammery!" She hissed at me in such a way, I jerked my head away from the phone.

"Yeah, no," I mumbled and hung up in her face.

All these notifications in my phone- off. We are turning the phone off.

My head hurts.

Everyone just wants to have their fair share with me and say whatever.

Just shut up.

"I can fix it," I mocked myself last night.

"No fucking shit, how the fuck do I fix this?" I scoffed and almost laughed at myself as I had my glass of oat milk and looked out the giant tinted windows of my loft with ongoing traffic.

Why is it so happy outside?

I looked over at my weighted upright keyboard and felt a tug in my chest.

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