Chapter 28

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Eleanora's pov

"No, no, no," I was on the verge of snapping my baton in half.

The ensemble has been getting worse ever since Sunday when students saw Carter reappear.

I had to host an extra session for my group, for whatever reason, they can't function- i don't think it's because I've been out for some time. No they should-

"Ms. A?" One of the students approached me in the middle of counting the measures I planned to have them break out.

"Yes dear?" I sighed with a tired smile and looked at the young girl.

"Is it true Carter is moving up?" She made my heart skip a beat.

"Yeah, we saw her Sunday and she was with the philharmonic orchestra's conductor and they were swapping papers and stuff," one of my cellist spoke up.

God- don't...

No, please.

Not this.

Don't let this be the reason that they're falling apart.

I'm gonna fall ap-

"Not to hold up the session but I kinda miss Carter," a violist spoke up.

"Nah nah nah, you're not holding up nothing my guy. we didn't do all the practicing we should've done but at least Carter kept us together. She carried our weight and now we gotta pull it ourselves," someone in the back called out.

"Bro did she leave because she got fed up with us?" Another boy asked and I was fighting tears.

Just breathe..

"I mean- I wouldn't blame her. She's too good for us honestly," the kids started to get side tracked in the topic.

I just got up and decided to go get my tea canister to take a few sips before even trying to get back into productivity.

Let me lick my wounds before getting into this subject with a bunch of kids in the room because I can sure as hell take it there.

"She may be too good for us, but that doesn't mean we can't get better for her," i stoped mid way of my sniffle and looked to see which girl said that...

... she's one of the girls I tried to cut earlier this season because she was one of the kids that put a strain on Carter's forearm one rehearsal.

Little does she know how powerful her words are due to Carter's charismatic influence on her for forgiveness and finding passion..

"Yeah what she said. If we do good this spring concert she might comeback to us," my concert master decided to jump in.

"Why would she move up just to come back down? Let's bring the party to her," one of the younger students cracked his knuckles.

"Dude you're like thirteen. You think you can just move up like it's musical chairs?" The ensemble started giggling.

"We'll see about it next season after auditions. I'm in the same ensemble as you right now. So odds are pretty leveled," he snapped.

"Ouuuuuuuuu" the students started to chime.

I can't- I'm sending everyone home.

"Okay, class, I know I worked you hard this week. I will see you the following Sunday-

"Wait- you're not coming to the expedition Saturday?" One of the violinists jumped to their feet.

And I froze dead in my tracks..

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