Chapter 35

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Carter's pov

I had just finished cleaning up and Jolene helped me redo my makeup- this time with waterproof mascara and eyeliner.

"Just a little setting spray- hey," Jolene stopped to lift my chin and made me look at her.

She's already so close...

"I'm proud of you..." she said carefully and went back to applying the setting spray.

"You talked to her, didn't you?" She was touching up my hair.

"I'm glad you did. She talked you into considering performing sober- made you realize, your emotions are the best thing about you," she took a step back and looked into the vanity mirror with me.

"Get ready in ten!" One the backstage managers knocked on the door firmly but nicely.

"But it-

"And it'll get you out, you had everyone in tears. It'll be impossible for you to not win," Jolene assured me.

"It's possible-

"What?!" She turned my shoulder.

"That was not the original. I rearranged it," I shrugged.

"Carter..." she mumbled.

"I know, big risk. But I played my heart out," I smiled softly and she was taken aback.

"I- there's a chance you could win... I don't know if they'll honor it but popular vote by crowd will outweigh any judge's decision. The judge represents the crowd but if the crowd-

"I understand. I highly doubt that will be the case considering my track record only winning competitions based on popular vote," I shrugged.

"My grandmother told me to tell you that they will debrief you on your selection tonight. Don't say anything that will place you im- jeopardy," she warned.

"I won't say anything that will raise flags about possible favoritism. Or anything that will hint to a possible scandal," I spoke lowly and almost growled even.

Jolene softly gasped.

"I already know what's on the line and given everything I put into that performance, there's still a chance that it won't be standard. And on top of that, I have to talk my mind while restraining it at the same time? Trust me, I know," I assured what the biggest concern was: it was never about my musicality... it's about what's in my heart.

"Cammery!" The back stage director came to escort me back on stage..

"You did amazing!" I was receiving multiple compliments as I made way to backstage. Everyone was pleased and in favor of my performance-

However, the task is nowhere near done.

I have to win.

Not just give a flashy performance in a flashy dress.

I need these people to see that I am the better fit for the position. Regardless of my ability- I've already bonded with the ensemble and the conductor...

some ways more inappropriate than others...

I see Johannes former student standing next Raheem... Nala Acero- you are gonna be a hard one to forget with the stunt you pulled- true or not true... no one will forget you not the Cabalesky's.

"Th-that performance..." she was at a loss of words.

"The scariest thing in this world is to go against someone who has nothing to lose but all to gain... same goes Vice versa: my home is here. My life is here. I have everything to lose. I'm putting everything on the line because I have to win. You're doing what it takes to win- even if it meant pretending to be my friend," i softly spoke and walked past the both of them.

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