Chpater 34

337 27 6

Eleanora's pov

I was sitting in the third row away from Melissa, George, Lillian and Michelle- and Johannes' granddaughter I believe... honestly, I don't know how to feel about this whole situation: it's overwhelming.

I don't care if I'm biased, I did not like Raheem's solo repertoire choice. Maybe a little too contemporary for it to be a Bach solo- or was it an interpretation?

Either or, it doesn't matter; his piece did not suit the pallet of my ears-

"Before you perform, audience members were allowed a brief moment to ask a few questions. Everyone, Carter Cammery," Bishop takes a back step to center stage as- dear god.

Carter gracefully walks across the stage from the left in a black glittered night gown with a cut going straight down the upper half of her body with a slit going up her right leg revealing black leather strap heals that wrapped around her calves. Her blonde curls looked silky under the stage lights- her back was exposed down to the top of her hip.

Carter Cammery...

"Sh-she's beautiful," I could hear people in my section murmur about her stage pressence and she looked relax as ever.

Still, I don't like the idea of her being on medication-

"Good evening," her voice was warm and thick but soft at the same time.

She gave a brief bow before handing the mic back to bishop and he insisted that she held it. Carter flinched at the gesture and it made me want to eye her even more carefully.

"I'm not sure of the stage directions with this intro but I'm ready whenever you are," she looked to the audience with soft but subtly fierce eyes- almost fighting the urge to smirk.

There was something intimidating in the air but at the same time, welcoming as guests gave small laughs at her opening.

"After Raheem's performance, how do you feel about having to top that?" An audience member blurted.

Are you kidding-

"I feel honored to be tonight's contender," she softly smiled.


Cameras started flashing and I quickly caught on that the press is here as well for this showdown!

"Why does the Cabalesky family always seem to be the protagonist in your world when it comes down to music?" Another audience chimed.

"Music brings unity. This is nothing more than sport," she- she'd be a great politician with that answer. She didn't even answer it.

"Do you have any final says before performing for us?" One member decided to wrap things up.

"I can't express enough how thankful I am. I look forward to have fun with you guys. I'm not even worried about the score- matter of fact, forget the score. Let's just enjoy music," she had a cheeky smile- and she fought a quirky giggle..

With that run on sentence and broken thoughts being mashed together... there's absolutely no doubt...

That's Carter, the Carter I know.

She's doing her performance off the meds and supplements.

I could feel tears forming in my eyes as I had the biggest smile on my face seeing Carter through and through with her presence. She has on her big girl game face, that's all... I shouldn't have doubted her for not considering my advice.

Carter truly is the best musician when she's sober, with all of those unsettled thoughts and emotions- of course she's bubbly. But she becomes the finest bottle of champagne with all of those bubbles being focused into a single performance on stage.

The Music in My Heart 2Where stories live. Discover now