Chapter 5

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AN: I had no intent on waiting this long😭

Carter's pov

Dinner was scary as much as it was fun. I know tomorrow, Johannes is going to rake me over the coals with no remorse. Funny thing is, I'm looking forward to it.

It feels weird being out the cast- my arm looks weird.

"Carter?" My mom caught my thoughts.

"I want to open a gym membership and possibly get a part time job," I spoke up.


"I think that's a great idea," Lillian jumps in.

"Excuse me?" My mom wasn't defensive, she was just shocked and confused.

"I'll start looking into nutrition and dietary supplement shops; they're small but very informative on what your body needs to function and how. In your case, this is the most beneficial thing for you considering you're fresh out of a cast and diving into intense practice sessions along with physical therapy. I trust you're a smart young lady and you'll do some research of your own to see what might help you. This should keep you busy enough since I have no doubt college is a challenge for you," Lillian softly smiled at me and my mouth was just wide open at how well thought out that was.

"Uh- wow.. um, I didn't think of something like that. How did you manage to-

"Do a win-win? It's clear as day that Carter is determined to work her hardest now that the cast has been removed. Plus, she's been eager about having her first job and now that she's in college, I don't see the harm in a little bit of spending money since both of her parents are helping with tuition and her trust fund is covering her rent. But she needs to kept informed about taking care of her body properly, so I do see it fit that she has a gym membership- but physical therapy first," Lillian made me speechless.

"Th-thank you," I was still off guard and she just smiled warmly.

"I care about you too you know. If I can give my two cents, I will," she winked and turned back around...

W Lillian.

She's officially cool.

"It'll take some talking over with George, but the way you put it, I don't see how he could possibly say no. I mean I've been to nutrition shops; they're small and there's actually not a lot of physical labor involved as a salesman, you just have to know your stuff. It actually sounds perfect," my mom was still taking it all in.

"Can I spend the night at Eleanora's?" I bursted out but in a subtle manner.

"Carter, please look out the window," my mom shook her head and Lillian was laughing.

I got nosy and decided to peak through the windshield as I got in between both their seats from behind and well- there's my girlfriend waving at all three of us as we're in her driveway.

"Thanks mom..." i mumbled embarrassed.

"I love you too. I texted Eleanora your schedule for tomorrow and explained that once all the mandatory things are taken care of, you two can go out," my mom was her usual self as she smothered me with kisses.

"Thanks mom, but we just watch movies in her living room or I watch her play violin or we do something random like build a pillow fort," I shrugged off the nauseating affection.

"How about a little spending money, $50 is enough to treat the both of you someplace nice," Lillian reaches into her purse.

"I can't take money from you!" I was confused and shocked.

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