Chapter 14

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Eleanora's pov

"It's so good to have you back," Ms. Michelle greeted me with a tight hug.

"Yes, it's great to be back. I honestly didn't think it was necessary for our boss to send me on some mission to make sure Carter comes back," I sighed and she giggled.

The office corridors are still the same as I can see. Something about history and the arts... it's deep rooted connection to humanity. I just love it.

What I don't love is the damn AC unit blasting in the middle of winter.

"So much for a mission, you're radiant as ever!" She complimented me.

"Same skin care routine, I can assure that much," we both laughed.

"Oh come on, I'm married. It's in your eyes, who's the lucky bastard that swooned you?" She was gushing about me and my secret relationship.

"Do I have a sex glow?" I leaned in closer to her frantically.

"A what?" The headmaster walked in.

"Er uhhhhh haha yeah Eleanora your skin does glow. What was the name of that product line again?" Michelle tries to play it off.

"Um- sex glow? I believe, it was just a small sample from the uh- package I received in my online order of skin care regimens," I tried to improv.

"Remind me to refrain from engaging in conversations that involve makeup. No offense but as an single parent, I always find myself conflicted with talking to my daughter about makeup. Who comes up with a name like 'better than sex' for mascara?" Our boss made us both look at each other blankly and break out into a laugh.

"Don't look at us, we're the generation before that," Michelle got caught up.

"Ah yes, whoever came up with funk in the 60's was by far the most horrific person known to man," Bishop made me crack another laugh.

"Please, I thought it was whoever assinated Kennedy in 63 for supporting King was the most horrific person," I caught his eye and received a rather approving look.

"At least someone knows their history. Molding the young minds is rather tricky with the growth of propaganda," he nodded.

"I wish I was alive when Kennedy was around," Michelle made me and Bishop turn both of our head in her direction.

"I'm sorry, are you calling me old?" He raised a brow.

"I wasn't even alive at that time, we all had to study American history- matter of fact, just a moment ago you said I glowing skin and you're calling me old?" I retorted.

Bishop cracked a laugh and quickly recovered with a swift cough to straighten up as we both look at Michelle with a playful glare.

"We can play the blame game all you want but it was Eleanora who did the background check and hired me," her witty response made the three of us laugh.

"Speaking of which, how is Cammery? How long before she can start attending rehearsals-

"Sir?" his new assistant interjected.

"Now Martha, how many times do I need to tell you, you need to say 'excuse me'? You are in the presence of an overseas music master and a- what was it again Ms. Michaels? He softened to speak to Michelle. She has such an adoring name; Michelle Michaels.

"And a military house wife, if I may... I'm only the assistant," Michelle kindly raised her hand and Bishop nodded approvingly.

"You're the assistant of a music master that came from overseas. By all means, thank you for your service. Literally- your husband as well," I softly spoke.

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