Chapter 6

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AN: the next few updates were so hard to write but hoped they're worth it!

Eleanora's pov

This is probably the best sleep I ever had.

I don't want to open my eyes or else I can never continue this beautiful sleep of mine.

But I'm awake but- not, at the same time.

This is very soft. and sculpted. Firm but really really soft. I like the way it feels...

That perfume...

"Carter?!" I practically sat straight up-

"I'm naked!" I quickly picked up the blanket to cover up in.

"You're naked- well- not really. But you're naked!" I threw a pillow at her face as she was still trying to wake up and a pout formed as she was equally disturbed and confused.

"You wouldn't get in the bed unless I got undressed too," she whined as she chucked the pillow at the head board in her sleepy voice.

"We didn't-

"You really wanted to but you fell asleep in my arms after I subtly avoided engaging into it," she winced still adjusting.

"I threw myself at you?!" I was so concerned about what happened in my bedroom last night.

"Can't tell which was harder, you throwing yourself or you throwing the damn pillow," she was- cranky and rightfully so.

I'm still processing new expressed emotions from Carter. I'm so used to seeing her bubbly, curious and nervous.

She's so fascinating to me.

"Carter!" I yelled frantically out of nowhere. She still hasn't answered my question.

If we slept together for the first time and that's how it came about, I could never forgive myself. I want to remember our first time.

"Fine, i assure you nothing happened last night. It was flirty and really cute when you were tipsy because you said the first thing that came into your mind and said I smelled good on more than one occasion," she flopped to lay back down with her backside facing me.

"What about your errands?" My head was scrambled everywhere.

"Johannes cancelled earlier this morning. You and Melissa basically told my professors I won't be back to class until next week so I was up earlier doing this week's assignments even though I'm already on top of my classes. I plan to fill out my study guide for midterms later since there's nothing else for me to do and midterms aren't for a while," she practically groaned from exhaustion.

"Soooo I have you all to myself?" I was still bundled up in the blanket.

"Mmmhmmmmmm," Carter's head was practically face planted straight down into the pillow just milking out the fact she got smacked by a pillow in the middle of her- what I've now realized, morning nap.

"Get up," I brushed off whatever nerves I had.

I quickly wrapped up in a silk robe and twirled the blanket over me as I'm still cold from the morning air.

"I don't know, you might whack me with a pillow," she muffled.

"I'd never do that," I was concerned.

"You just did," she reminded me.

"I'm still naked!" I exclaimed again realizing I should put on clothes but what if she sees?!

"Yep, I'm not going back to bed," she shrugged and rolled out of bed.

She shook her curls a loose from her messy bun and stood up. Her shoulders were broad, her back was firm and toned- she even as lower back dimples that made my eyes glued to her Calvin Klein thongs as her ripped denims kind of sagged as they were unzipped and unbuttoned.

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