Chapter 21

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Eleanora's pov

Im in Bishop's office as they review the paperwork Raheem's family came in with documenting the terms and agreements of the expedition.

"Well?" The father spoke- seriously who the hell does he think he is?

"Ahem, the details are in the fine lines, everything sounds about right. I also see you've already put your signature here. We just need Cammery to step in, look it over and sign off for us to follow through," Bishop sat the paper down on his desk.

"I want her here, now please?" Raheem spoke up.

How old is he again?

"Mr. Cabalesky, I assure you, I can make a phone call and see what's the soonest Carter and come by, but that's it," Bishop put his hands up trying to avoid anymore confrontation and conflict.

"Please do..." Mrs. Cabalesky scoffed.


"Sir, not to be an inconvenience-

"After all the trouble you stirred up?" Michelle hissed and Bishop shared a careful glance with her and she backed off.

"Mary, what is it?" Bishop sighed.

"N-nothing. Calling Cammery," she picked up her phone and started dialing away.

"And could you add in that this is urgent?" Mr. Cabalesky pointed out and I mentally barfed.

Just like that, Mary put her phone down and I didn't even bother listening in.

"Did you not hear a-

"She said she's around the corner," Mary snapped and left the room.


"Now where do you-

"According to your email, today's my last day as of two hours ago and here i am still here because you keep giving me orders!" She made me blink twice.

"Either im employed or im unemployed! I get I made a mistake but for shit sakes-

"It's fuck sakes, sweetie," Michelle cut her off.

"I- To keep things smooth, im going by the fucking email and as of now, I don't work for you!" She slammed the door leaving her strawberry blonde hair waving from behind.

"It was better before she was even here. I can't help it, sorry," Michelle walked to the furthest corner of the room after receiving a glare from Bishop.

I heard muffle voices outside the room and soon enough the door knocks again.

"Come in," bishop clears his throat.

Clicking black leather stiletto heels caught my attention as I looked up to see Carter... my heart immediately started to ache knowing I was the one who had overreacted.

None of my calls or messages are even going through right now. I go straight to voicemail or the damn thing says undelivered.

I gave it a rest after my lunch break..

She was wearing shades and strode past everyone with their eyes on her-

The smell of lemon citrus, bergamot and ice caught my senses and it somehow made the shine in her highlights and complexion of her gold skin all the more radiant...

"I was just turning the corner from- what do I need to sign?" She stopped herself for whatever reason.

"It was not my intent to intrude on your weekend, but the paperwork's been done. We just need a signature," bishop handed her the paper and pen.

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