Chapter 5

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Time seems to stop for a moment after the new girl falls down. Quiet takes over and even the other kids stop running. The quiet is broken by Jamie’s gleeful laughter. Taking his lead everyone joins in laughing at the new girl.

“And strike!” Damon laughs.

“Dude that was a perfect hit!” Charles crows.

“Did you see that, Fontaine? I might have missed my calling as a soccer player.” Jamie says holding up his hand for a high-five.

I oblige and he goes off running around our group like he has really scored a goal.

From the corner of my eye I see one of the girls still on the track walk towards the fallen girl. Before she can get to her she is stopped by one of her friends. The friend says something to her and they both look over at our group. She looks over at the girl then they both walk off.

Jamie finally stops goofing around and we all watch as the new girl gets up and makes her way off the track.

As she is passes by our group Jamie says, “My bad didn’t see you there.”

His comment triggers more laughter from the crowd.

The girl stops and glares at him. Walking over to the discarded balls and picks one up. She tests out its weight then launches the ball right at Jamie’s face.

He manages to duck just in the nick of time but in the process trips over another ball and falls on his ass.

All laughter stops. The suddenness of everything makes me want to laugh until she speaks.

“Oops didn’t see you there.” she says then walks away.

Damon and Charles help Jamie to his feet and the girls fawn all over him.

“What the hell is her problem?” Dana says.

“She could have seriously hurt him and all over a joke!” Clara says.

“Let’s teach her some manners.” Melody says.

As I watch them follow after the new girl I can help but wonder how she got a scholarship. With the mistakes she keeps making she is obviously not that smart. Or is she only book smart?

What happened this morning could have been written off as the mistake of a new student who didn’t know any better. But she has had a couple of hours to adjust to my school now.By now she would have heard how things work around here.

After learning what she did in those hours she should have apologized for this morning’s disrespect. And failing that she should have taken Jamie’s prank as her punishment and moved on.

Instead she chose retaliation and now whether by my hand or my subjects she will suffer for it. I can’t wait.



Here's the second update of the week. I hope you like it!

I have decided Wednesdays and Fridays will be my upload days from now on.

Thank you for reading and please vote if you like it.

- Oli <3

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