Chapter 40

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The first week of classes is almost completely behind me and I have gotten back into the rhythm of it seamlessly. I can’t believe it was just last week we were still spending our days on the beach and having bonfires at night.

It’s a Saturday early evening when I walk into the computer lab to do some research and I almost crash into Jenna at the door. She seems startled but a glare quickly replaces that expression when she realizes it’s me.

“Watch where you are going!” she sneers and stomps off.

I shake off the weird interaction and find a computer to use.

The computer I end up using must have been the one Jenna was using because it is still logged into her school account.I can’t help but snoop a little. I mean it’s not every day that an opportunity like this presents itself.

It seems like she was looking through some files for class. I scroll through noting she has already started research for half her term papers. Going further back I see last term’s papers and dozens of drafts. I guess she is a perfectionist.

When I start seeing work from the previous year I decide to close the tab only to stop cold.

Right between the work of last year and last term’s work is a video. I haven’t seen any other video files within her schoolwork but that’s not what stops me.

What stops me is the fact that it says the video was shared by Maisie on the evening of the first day of school. The same day she went missing.

Just as I go to play the video someone grabs the mouse from my hand.

“What the hell do think you are doing looking through my stuff!” she sneers and quickly logs out of her account.

“What was that?” I ask.


“Maisie sent you a video. Do the cops know?”

“I have a lot off videos from Maisie. We were grouped together for a project last year and she always sent videos instead of written pieces of research. It was quiet annoying.” She huffs.

“So she just happened to send you a video for a project from the previous term around the estimated time of her disappearance?” I ask.

“I don’t know what you are talking about. I never received anything from Maisie after the group project was over.” Jenna states.

“But I-”

“Stay out of my stuff. And before you think of doing something stupid, remember what happened last time it was your word against mine.” She says and stomps off.

She is right. I should have saved a copy of the video. I learned my lesson from last time, I won’t be accusing anyone without evidence.

Still I can’t help but wonder what is on that video and why Jenna hasn’t told the cops?

The next morning Amandla and I run into Ken and Ethan outside Blue’s. When we walk in we notice Mara, Keziah, Tiago and Patrick are already inside at tables next to each other. I guess we all love their Sunday breakfast.

“I can’t believe we all had the same idea.” Ethan comments after greetings are exchanged and orders taken.

“This is seriously so weird. Did we all become a hive mind during break or something?” Keziah says.

Everyone laughs, even Patrick who is usually more of a spectator.

Halfway through our meal, Ken nearly drops his phone startling everyone.

“What’s wrong?” Tiago asks.

“There is an update on Maisie’s case. The police have confirmed it is her phone Amandla found in the woods. They have completed restoring the data. The last thing she did on her phone was take a video of her possible kidnappers.” Ken says.

“What! Who are they, have they been arrested yet?” Mara asks.

“The police confirmed they have been able to identify everybody in the video but they won’t publicize their names because they haven’t been proven guilty yet.” Ken states.

“I guess technically they are right after all it is “innocent before proven guilty”.” Mara says grudgingly.

“I think whoever is in the video must be a big shot. Why else protect them?” Amandla says.

“Maybe Mara is right and the police are for once trying not to incite a witch-hunt. Some people are just evil, money doesn’t make them that way.” Patrick comments.

“You must admit though, money makes some people brave enough to do stuff they wouldn’t otherwise do if their money wasn’t a get-out-of-jail-free card.” Ethan argues.

“Most of the time they are only that cautious when the suspect is wealthy but they are quick to throw an ordinary suspect to the wolves as long as it makes them look good. I think Amandla is right, whoever is in that video must be loaded.” Keziah adds.

“Amandla is right!” Ken exclaims drawing some glances from other customers.

“What happened?” I ask.

“Someone leaked the video.” Ken says.

We all watch the video.There is badly beaten man on his knees begging for his life as three men surround him and taunt him. When one of them hits him with a rifle, the video shakes badly and the phone starts retreating from the scene. The snap of a stick sounds loud and the three men’s glances swing towards the noise. The person holding the phone turns away from them and starts running. The video cuts off.

We all sit in shocked silence after watching the video.

“It looks like someone has already identified the people in the video. The man with torn clothes is Ronald Keens, he went missing over half a year ago. The three guys are Cullen Ryland, Nathan Saunders and Darren Yates. Amandla was right, they are big shots.” Keziah says.

“Really?” I ask.

“Yeah, the names sounded familiar so I looked them up. Cullen Ryland is Sofia’s cousin, Nathan Saunders is Damon’s brother and Darren Yates is Charles’ cousin. They all in their second year of college and they all graduated from the same high school, Fontaine Academy.” Keziah says.



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- Oli 💌

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