Chapter 20

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“You want us to pretend to date so that your ex will leave you alone?” I ask slowly.

Ethan nods.

“Why don’t you just ask her to leave you alone?”

“I have tried, many times. She says she accepts the break up but the minute anyone shows interest in me she does everything to scare them away. One time Ken hugged me in front of her and the very next day someone put orange hair dye in his shampoo and his locker was vandalized. Sofia is crazy.” He says.

“Wait, your ex is Sofia?”


“Huh, never would have guessed that. What did you ever see in her? Never mind, the more important question is why are you asking me instead of Ken?”

“Don’t be gross.” He says making a face.

“What are you like homophobic or something?”

“Wait, what? No. Gross because Ken is like my brother.”

“It would only be pretending though so what’s the problem?”

“Ken and I have been friends since the womb. No one would believe it if we suddenly said we are dating.”

“Ever heard of friends-to-lovers?” I ask.

“Everyone knows I am straight though.”

“Maybe you are Ken-sexual and just don’t know it yet.”

I don’t actually think any of that is true but it is fun to watch the look of horror on his face after each of my suggestions.

“Nope, absolutely not. Also never use the word lover or Ken-sexual ever again. That’s my brother you are talking about.” He says with an exaggerated shudder.

It cracks me up.

“Okay, I am just pulling your leg.” I say after catching my breath.

“So you will do it?” he asks hopefully.

“I haven’t agreed to anything. What do I get by being your fake girlfriend?”

“Unlimited access to this pretty face?” he says hands highlighting said face.

I roll my eyes. It is really is a pretty face but that’s beside the point.

“Jokes aside, it will get you protection against the students.”

“Except Sofia you mean. She already doesn’t like me. I don’t see her backing off just because I become your girlfriend.”

“The main reason they go after you is because you have no backing. Sure it’s also because they don’t like you but if you had money they would just ignore you. Being my girlfriend is the next best thing. Because of my background they can’t go after you.”

“And what background is that, is your family super rich too?”

“I guess you could say that. Dad is ranked 9th while Patrick’s dad is ranked 6th in the country. No one else at school is in the top 10 so…”

“Wow, I guess this is information I will need to know as your fake girlfriend.”

“Almost forgot, mom is the dean.” He adds.

“Ms. Jung is your mother?”

“Yeah, where do you think I got the face from?”

Now that he mentioned it, I do see the resemblance. She just didn’t look old enough to have a 17 year old son. I guess they have great genes.

“I guess you learn something new every day.”

He only chuckles.

He tells me to take my time and think it over. There is a birthday party next weekend off campus. If I agree then the party will be our first outing as a couple.

A few hours later I place my tray on the table and go to sit down. I end up on the floor with my food all over me. I must have tipped my tray while trying to grab onto something on my way down.

The whole room erupts in laughter at my expense.

Mara helps me up while Amandla glares at the culprit, who just shrugs and says, “Oops.”

Ken gets me a new food tray. The blazer took the worst of it so I just wipe that down as much as I can and get to eating. I refuse to go to bed hungry because of this.

“What do you guys think of Ethan?” I ask.

“Ethan Jung?” Amandla asks.


“He is possibly the exact opposite of Patrick. Kind, nice to everyone and doesn’t care about social status. The only things they have in common is that they are both from very wealthy families, they are both really smart and very hot.” Mara says.

“Eww don’t sexualize my brother. You also forgot one important thing they have in common; they both have amazing best friends.” Ken says smugly.

“Oh no honey, that’s just your crush talking. You are way better than Tiago.” Mara says.

“Aww, thanks Mara.” Ken says, a goofy smile taking over his face.

“He didn’t deny it.” Amandla stage whispers to me.

Everyone laughs.

“Why are you asking about Ethan anyways?” Ken asks after we have calmed down.

“Umm…he might have asked me out.”

“What?!” Mara and Amandla exclaim, drawing weird looks from nearby tables.

“Hmm, so that’s why he was asking about you?” Ken says.

Seeing that other people were paying too much attention to our table and probably listening in, I tell them I will fill them in later.

After dinner we walk back to the dorms and I tell them about Ethan’s offer.

“So what do you guys think I should do?” I ask.

“I say go for it. It will solve most of your problems and you get a boyfriend too.” Mara says.

“It will be pretend.” I say.

“It might turn real, you never know.” Mara says wistfully.

“Always the romantic.” Ken jokes.

“So you don’t think I should do it?”

“As Ethan’s best friend I can tell you that he will treat you right and protect you always, even if it’s all pretend. But you should do what you think is right for you.” Ken says seriously.

“I agree with Ken. Ethan can’t be with you all the time to protect you but if you think that is outweighed by the rest of what he can do for, than go for it.” Amandla advises.

I think over what they said all through the movie we are watching. I am so preoccupied I don’t even remember the name of the movie or anything that happened in it.

Before bed I text Ethan: I am in.



Thanks for reading!

Do you think Jules and Ethan's plan will work?

- Oli 💌

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