Chapter 37

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I thought of just ignoring Tiago’s ultimatum, I mean why should I have to spend my break with a bunch of strangers? It’s not like I don’t have any other options. There is my cousin’s wedding I could attend with mom, both Jamie and Jenna invited me to their separate getaways and there is also Mel’s invite to consider.

In the end I choose to go on Tiago’s trip because two weeks alone with these people is a long time. No matter what he said about not replacing me, if I don’t go he might just decide I am not really his friend. The thought scares me a bit.

I also thought it would be a good opportunity to go back to how things used to be.I thought I could show him I can tolerate his new friends while also proving how irreplaceable I am. It hasn’t been easy.

Tolerating them has been easier than I thought. I haven’t gotten to know any of them any better but we haven’t come to blows so I am counting that as a win. The second part of my plan has been the harder to pull off. I thought I would just stick close to Tiago and we would naturally find things to do that would prove my irreplaceability. But none of that has happened yet because I haven’t gotten any one on one time with Tiago since we stepped off the plane.

When he is not doing one group activity or another, he is spending every available moment alone with Ken. It is all very frustrating.

“Hey Patty. What are doing here all alone?” Tiago says walking up to my hammock.


“I can see that. You were just staring off into the distance.”

“Just a lot on my mind I guess.”

“Like what?” he prods.

“I just think-”

“Tiago there you are. About the bonfire…Oh hey Patrick.” Ken says cutting me off.

Seriously?! Can’t I get a single moment uninterrupted with my own best friend?

I am grinding my teeth so all I manage is a nod. Tiago tells me to go to the bonfire in a couple of hours and he is off with Ken again. Ugh.

I wait a little longer than instructed to walk down to the beach, hoping everything will be in full swing when I get there. My timing is perfect, everything seems to be set up already and everyone is already there.

There are a bunch of people I have never seen before. In addition to our group of 8 there are at least twenty to thirty more people.

“Hey Patrick. I was starting to think you weren’t coming.” Ethan says handing me a beer.

“Just a bit fashionably late.”

I sit and talk with Ethan for a while, not even his girlfriend showing up makes me want to leave. In fact she seamlessly joins the conversation without hogging it.

What feels like hours later, the music seems to have gotten louder and more people seem to have shown up. I have been dragged into conversation with Tiago’s new friends but apart from a few glimpses here and there I haven’t seen much of him or Ken.More time passes without a sign of either of them.

“Has anyone seen Tiago?” I ask.

“Not in a while.” Amandla says.

“I haven’t seen Ken either so they are probably together.” Mara giggles.

What’s that supposed to mean?

Just then someone starts some type of line dance. As the line of people passes near us I finally catch a glimpse of Tiago. He is part of the line of dancers and so is Ken with his arms all over Tiago.

Someone starts a keg competition and I join that.

I startle awake and sit up, instantly regretting it. My head feels like it is splitting apart. I find some painkillers in the bathroom and gulp them down with a full bottle of water. Afterwards I quickly jump into the shower.Feeling much better I sit down on the made bed and mindlessly scroll through my phone.

“You have to stop drinking like this Patty.” Tiago says as he helps me to my room.

“How else…am I supposed to…push away the…sadness?” I mumble.

“You can talk to someone or me.” he suggests.

“You were not there.”

“I am right here. You can tell me anything.”

“You are…” I begin then I grab Tiago’s face and seal my lips over his.

It barely lasts a second and then I am being pushed away.

“You have to stop doing that.” Tiago says breathing hard.

“Tiago I-”

“No. I deserve better than drunken kisses Patrick. You only do this when you drink so that you can use that as an excuse.”

“I am sorry…”

“Talk to me when you are sober.” he says and leaves.

I must have fallen back asleep again. This time when I wake up it is late afternoon and my headache is all but gone. But now my head is reeling from remembering what happened last night.

What do I do?I have to speak to Tiago, he will help make sense of everything.

When I get to Tiago’s room the door is already partially open so I walk right in and wish I didn’t. Tiago is in the middle of the room, head on Ken’s shoulder while they hug.

I try to quickly leave but bump into the door and they notice me. I hear Tiago calling my name is I make a quick escape.

How could I have been so stupid?I reach my room in no time and Tiago is right behind me.

“Why did you leave like that?” he asks.

“Was I just supposed to stand there and watch you in the arms of the person trying to take you away from me?” I exclaim.

“Depends.” He says calmly.

“On what?”

“On if you are jealous as a friend or something else.” He states.


“I don’t know if you know this Patrick but friends don’t kiss each other.”

“I uh…”

“It is really simple, did you get jealous because you think Ken is taking your place as my best friend or because of something else?” he says calmly.

“I don’t know okay! Everything is all jumbled up. I thought kissing you would clear everything up but I needed liquid courage to do that. But because I am always drunk when it happens I don’t remember what it felt like in the moment. So the answer is I don’t know.” I rant.

“Are you sober right now?” he asks.


“Then I will help you clear up your confusion.”

“What do you-?”

Tiago’s lips make contact with mine and I forget what I was about to ask.



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- Oli 💌

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