Chapter 38

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“Are you sure we are going the right way?” I ask.

Ethan and I decided to tackle one of the hiking trails today. We both thought it would be something fun and different to do instead of spending another day on the beach or in the lodge.

We opted for the self-guided option but I am starting to think we were a bit too confident. It has been 20 minutes and we still haven’t found the mark that marks the beginning of the trail.

“Yes, definitely…I think.” Ethan says not at all sounding confident.

“You think?”


“Let me see the map.” I say.

“You were reading it wrong.” I state.

“Sorry…I have a small confession to make; I am not that great at map reading.” Ethan says guiltily.

“You are in luck, I am great at it.” I say and take the lead.

It doesn’t take us long to find the right trail and it isn’t a particularly hard climb so it barely takes us an hour to make it to the top.

“We made it!” Ethan shouts.

“It is gorgeous up here.” I say in awe.

Spread out in front of us is a view of the most beautiful forest I have seen. Trees and brush with trails interspersed here and there as far as the eye can see. Looking back the way we came the view is just as beautiful just with more man-made structures.

We take our time taking dozens of pictures of the view and ourselves then Ethan sets out a mini picnic.

“How did you even fit that in there?” I ask looking at his backpack.

He just laughs.

After we finish eating and cleaning up we decide to walk to a nearby waterfall.

“Before we go I just wanted to ask a very important question.” Ethan says gravely.

“What is it?” I ask worry setting in.

Did something happen? Wait is he breaking up with me?!

“Can I kiss you?” he says.


“I was expecting more of a yes or a…no?” he says nervously.

At his look of nervousness the tension drains from me and a laugh.

My laugh is cut short when he takes a step back.

“That wasn’t no I am just a bit of a weirdo.” I say erasing the distance between us.I have to stand on my toes but I manage to kiss him.

“It’s just like me to like a weirdo.” Ethan says with faux seriousness.

“I like you too, weirdo.” I say.

Before the words a fully out of my mouth, Ethan’s lips are on mine. It is everything I had hoped for and more.

When we finally come up for air we race each other to the waterfall. I get the first, remove my shoes and make sure my backpack is a safe distance from the water. Ethan arrives moments later and does the same then runs into the water.He waves at me close to the falling water.

The next minute he disappears under the water. I keep waiting but he doesn’t come up.I rush to the spot where I last saw him. Just when I get there he jumps from the water scaring me. I fall under the water.

I am swimming to the surface almost there but something grabs at my ankles. I look down and there are two dark figures pulling me under. I continue trying to kick to the surface but it is no use. I feel like I am sinking deeper away from the surface that was just within reach. My vision grows dark…

“Jules!” Ethan shouts.

I take in my surroundings, I am sitting next to our backpacks with a worried looking Ethan looking at me. I am not in the water anymore.

I burst into tears.

“Hey what’s wrong?” Ethan asks even as he hugs me trying to comfort me.


Ethan looks at me confused and then his expression turns horrified.

“Oh my god Jules I am so sorry. I forgot about Camp Day.”

After the tears stop I confess that sometimes I have nightmares about that day. Today is the first time I have had a waking dream about it though.

Ethan apologizes profusely and as we walk back he calls his therapist for a recommendation for a trauma specialist.

Once he gets off the phone I try convincing him it is not necessary but he insists. By the time me reach our floor he has set up a video call appointment for me for the next morning.

“You don’t have to talk to her if you really don’t want to. And you don’t have to commit to this therapist, take your time to find one that you are comfortable with. I just think it might help to speak to a professional about it.” he says.

“Thank you.”

I just had my first session with Dr. Reece. I feel a bit lighter because now I understand my reaction is normal after what happened.

I am still not comfortable using Ethan’s money even if it would really help. Dr. Reece noticed my hesitation and she was able to get me to come clean about everything. She still decided to keep me on as a non-paying client for her clinic’s free mental health clinic initiative. We will have one session a week.

I was slightly worried about how Ethan would take me choosing not to use his money. But after explaining the agreement I came to with Dr. Reece he said he is just happy I am getting the help I need.

“Don’t you think Tiago has done a bit of a 180 since last week?” Amandla asks as we walk to the beach.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean in the beginning he and Ken were practically always together but now it seems he is close to Patrick again and Ken has been abandoned. What’s that about?” Amandla wonders.

“That is true. He is always with Patrick these days and not really playing host like he did in the earlier days. But maybe it’s just because the vacation is winding down?” I say.

“You might be right about the host thing but what about Ken?” she asks.

“Maybe if we get him alone he will tell us.” I say.

Amandla suggests we show him some cool caves she discovered with Keziah yesterday. Ken is into that type of thing.

Five minutes into the walk I finally ask him; “Did you and Tiago get into a fight or something?”

“No, why?” he says.

“You just don’t spend as much time together like you did before.” I say.

“And he is always spending his time with Patrick. I don’t know, it just seems a bit like he abandoned you?” Amandla adds gently.

“No one has been abandoned. I think they are maybe finally working out their issues.” Ken says.

“What issues? Never mind it’s probably none of m-” Amandla begins to say but is cut off by my exclamation.

“Oh my…”

Seating a few feet from us under a tree are Patrick and Tiago. They seem to have been having a picnic and before they heard my exclamation they were also busy making out.



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- Oli 💌

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