Chapter 46

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Once again I am not spending my Sunday morning sleeping in or laying around. This time Amandla, Keziah, Mara and I are attending brunch as the dean and Tiago’s mom’s guests.

After they invited us yesterday I asked Mara about what to expect. Technically it is a school sponsored event for moms and their daughters. The brunch is held on the last Sunday of each month. It also acts as a fundraiser so the guests pay for a ticket to attend. Keziah has attended a handful of times with her mom when she is not too busy but like me, Mara and Amandla have never attended because their moms are barely ever in the country.

We arrive at the clubhouse right behind Ms. Jung and Mrs. Ramirez. After greetings are exchanged we join the others.

All eyes are trained on us as we make our entrance. We pretend not to notice as the two ladies introduce us to their friends. Brunch is served and we enjoy light conversation as we dig in.

“I know that we are raising funds for charity but I didn’t know one of them would be joining us.” A lady at a nearby table says.She is sat between Sofia and Jenna so one of them must be her daughter.

“I know right. Isn’t the whole point of these events to help the less fortunate without having to see them? It must be so embarrassing for the poor girl being surrounded by her betters.” Her friend says.

It is not hard to guess who the “poor girl” they are referring to is.

“Amelie, is it reveal your hypocrisy day or something? Did I miss the memo?” Mrs. Ramirez asks.

“I don’t think so Marina. Why?” Ms. Jung plays along.

“I mean why else would they expose themselves as phony do-gooders and in the same breath claim to be some else’s betters.”

Stifled chuckles break out all around the room.

“Whose moms are those two women?” I whisper to Amandla.

“The one who spoke first is Sofia’s mother and the other one is Jenna’s mother. You probably already guessed but the rest of the women at their table are the cheerleaders’ moms.” She says.

“Oh and one more thing Mrs. Ryland, Mrs. Bradford and anyone else who is curious, Jules has nothing to feel embarrassed about. No one here is her better just because she has a scholarship, which is not funded by either of you by the way. The funding she gets only proves one thing, she is a very hardworking young lady who has every right to be here.” Ms. Jung adds.

The friends they introduced us to earlier cheer and clap while the Ryland Bradford table glare.

Hours later I am drying my hands when Sofia, Jenna and the cheerleaders enter the bathroom. When I go to leave they block my path.

“Where do you think you are going?” Sofia scoffs.

“Back to my table.” I say calmly.

“You don’t belong here.” Melody says.

“Did you think you could embarrass us and our moms like that and get away with it?” Jenna says.

“I didn’t do anything, they did that to themselves.” I say.

“It seems like you have forgotten your place and its only right that I remind you. Grab her!” Sofia says.

Before I can do anything Dana and Clara grab me.

“It’s time to send the rat back home, girls. Do you know where that is?” Sofia asks.

“The sewers?” Clara asks.

“Bingo!” Sofia cackles.

“The real question is, heads or tails?” Jenna says.

“What do you mean?” Melody asks voicing my question.

“I mean are you going to send it home head first or tail first?” Jenna says.

“I vote heads!” Sofia exclaims with glee.

Melody opens the door to one of the stalls and lifts the seat. I begin to struggle when I realize they mean to drown me in toilet water.

“Let go of her right now!” someone hollers.

Dana and Clara jump away from me and I drop to the floor.

“What do think you are doing?” Mrs. Ramirez asks.

“Just having some girl bonding time.” Jenna answers sweetly.

“Drop the act, I heard everything and there will be consequences for what you tried to do to Juliana.”

“What consequences? From who, the school? May I remind you we are not on school premises and you have no evidence? It will be her word against ours and unlike her, what we say matters.” Jenna says smugly.

Damn evidence every time!

Mrs. Ramirez only chuckles. “You have some guts, I will give you that but let me remind you this is a school function so the school will definitely get involved.”

“It’s still her word against ours and no one will believe her!” Sofia retorts.

“They might not believe her but they will believe me. And since you love evidence so much, I have already send the video of what happened here to the disciplinary committee.” Mrs. Ramirez says.

Her announcement is met with stunned silence and then hasty retreats. When they are all gone she turns to me.

“Are you okay, Juliana?” she asks.

I nod even as tears spring to my eyes.“May I hug you?” she asks tentatively taking a step closer.

I nod again and she wraps in her arms.

The way she says my name, her hugs…why does everything about her remind me of mom?



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- Oli 💌

Fontaine AcademyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora